Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [prep] [noun pl] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Speaker 's Commission advocates opportunities to participate in schemes such as that run by the Prince of Wales Trust , openness in government , which allows citizens to make a contribution to the political process through lobbying , campaigning and so on .
2 Accounting bases aim to provide consistent , fair and objective methods to deal with problems such as depreciation of fixed assets , valuing stock , translation of foreign currencies and inflation .
3 Sir Ralph Halpern believes our manufacturing industry has a great deal to learn from labels such as Benetton and Hennes in Europe , and The Gap , Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein in the States , in terms of creating brand and image .
4 He said he was not talking about more money for health services but about more money to enable the council to deal with problems such as condensation and proper insulation of housing in the city .
5 Over the past two decades , the Commission and Court have been asked by aggrieved individuals to rule upon matters such as the rights of prisoners to communicate with the outside world and police interrogation methods .
6 If it can be made to work — and time will show whether it can become a reality — that may be the moment to return to subjects such as political and economic union and the benefits of a different defence structure .
7 Software companies look for specific films to translate into games such as sci-fi thriller Robocop .
8 They 're tempted by a few hundred pounds to go to places such as Amsterdam where cheap and plentiful crugs can be bought and brought back to Britain .
9 But Hilary Murphy , of the Chester Green Forum , believes the rivers watchdog does not have sufficient powers to deal with incidents such as the diesel fuel spill .
10 ‘ We are getting a lot of work from Leeds , and the Harrogate base will give us access to work in places such as Wakefield , ’ said sales manager Vic Chaney .
11 The table shows a surplus provided by local authorities to allow for contingencies such as salary and wage increases .
12 Not until de-Stalinization was well under way within the Soviet Union did substantial groups of neo-Marxist thinkers emerge and begin to try to adapt Marxist thought to cope with phenomena such as the postponement of revolution in the West , the revitalization of capitalism after the Second World War , and the political stability of liberal democratic regimes .
13 It made sense to work with companies such as Albright and Wilson , Sterling Organics , Dow Corning , FMC , Procter and Gamble , Kodak and numerous others because they do a high volume of business with C&P , are open to this approach and because ‘ we believe they are tomorrow 's winners , ’ said Anthony .
14 Baker then went on to emphasise the need for a wide-bandwidth system to cope with services such as home shopping , banking , burglar alarms , fire alarms , and message transmission .
15 When talking about terminology there is a tendency to focus on terms such as noun , verb , etc. , and on isolated features of surface structure ( punctuation , the apostrophe , spelling of individual words , etc . ) .
16 The technology should be proved , and expertise gained , between 1992 and 1994 , by which time we should aim to commission the higher-level system to use in applications such as visitor centre information points , educational use of videodisks or other IT media , and to integrate image information into our plant information systems .
17 Thus the ‘ Skills for Living ’ course at Hackney Downs Boys School encourages boys to think about things such as food preparation , shopping and baby care , to anticipate their future domestic lives , to discuss sexism and ‘ to treat each other in a caring way ’ ( Arnot 1984 ) .
18 Leslie 's mother and I visited the family of the corporal from Edinburgh ; and when the mother of a Manchester man came to Edinburgh to stay with friends some time later , we went to see her , too .
19 As the House of Lords Select Committee put it , ‘ It is consistent with the attribute of sovereignty in the international law sense for states to enter into groupings such as alliances or international organisations …
20 It was possible to pay the skischool extra so that after school in the morning she would be taken to lunch in a local restaurant under supervision , then brought back to skischool in the afternoon , but for a 4-year old learning to ski for the first time to stay in skiboots all day is really very tiring .
21 They also complete a correspondence course , studying more than 100 workbooks in their own time to learn about things such as air conditioning , wiring , circuitries and the technical detail of production processes .
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