Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is helpful for the candidate and department to identify in advance any special conditions that the department may decide should apply in the proposed candidate 's area of study .
2 But you can not deny Greenaway 's craftsmanship , and his intention to put on screen these compound images , using all the arrows in a film-maker 's quiver .
3 As can be seen from the amounts outstanding in various instruments there are a number of different types of saving available , the most popular of which are National Savings Certificates , Ordinary Accounts and Investment Accounts ( it is not the intention to describe in detail all of the instruments available , as descriptions are readily available from post offices ) .
4 If a messenger be sent by the Lord Chief Justice in Eyre to take into custody some of the most substantial , as was done on the return of King Charles the Second , it may prevent further destruction .
5 Attempts to create from English some terms that could be self-defining ( for example , witchcraft for logic ) were short-lived .
6 But a proposed clause in the new act to disallow for quota any film of low standard of production and entertainment value was dropped because of the difficulties involved in determining which films should be excluded .
7 Counsel suggests that if municipal corporations have the right to sue for libel this right would give municipalities the power to suppress legitimate and proper criticism by threats of legal proceedings .
8 Elections for six places on the panchayat were held every six months , staff reserving the right to exclude from consideration any prisoner they considered unsuitable .
9 It takes at least three years to put into effect any major alteration in a course , and by that time you will have left college , we hope , with a completed degree .
10 I ask the hon. Gentleman to bear in mind all the other sources of public funds that are available .
11 Er , I would ask delegates to bear in mind that trade union members can already join er , on the youth rates er , obviously an extension of that scheme would be welcome and is welcomed by the C E C.
12 Right , it 's clear i n't it under four rule twenty eight , four , it 's not essential for the disallowance of any cost or interest that er the taxing officer should be satisfied that erm the other party has been prejudiced , in fact that is not a condition precedent to the exercise of his part and disallow interest in this here item , er any prejudice there maybe is merely one factor to be taken into account in other matters and it does seem to me that the fact the court can , can properly and should properly take into account , is , is that erm , it is desirable that to litigation should erm comply with there obligations , either expressly , express or explicit under the rules of the court to comply with matter such as it should have orders part drawn up and served as appropriate , as I say it seems to me that er the plaintiffs 's can be criticized in not erm having perfected the order of Mr Justice er before they did so but er , I have , it seems to me to look at all the relevant pictures in the case , er if it were the case that the plaintiff suffered any prejudice as the result of that claim , clearly that would be a matter which I would have to take into account , but I 'm bound to say it does n't seem to me that the fender of the plaintiffs to perfect the order did in fact cause any prejudice to the plaintiff and indeed if they , the plaintiffs had perfected the order , it seems to me exactly the same course of events as in fact transpired in this case , would actually have occurred and would n't make any difference at all , so unless it 's a matter of simply of er seeking to punish the plaintiff as a matter of discipline , it seems to me there is a , not really anything in the point that the order was not perfected er when it seems to me it should of been , and I , there stood to see the other er circumstances , now it 's quite clear to me having been referred to correspondence , passing between the solicitors that erm although really from a very early stage er the plaintiffs solicitors referring to Mr a letter of early nineteen ninety one indicating that erm the view was being taken that the likelihood was that erm the plaintiffs would have to get their costs out of the defendants share and interest in the premises and er that would be a matter which could only be dealt with when the enquiries director by Mr Justice had been dealt with .
13 The Right will clearly expect Mr Hamilton to keep in check some of Mr Heseltine 's more interventionist policies .
14 Failure of the court in making its assessment of damages to take into account all the information available at the time of the trial could lead to illogical and unjust results .
15 Thus s7(4) permits the court to take into account any statement in a welfare report or evidence given in respect of matters referred to in the report provided they are relevant to the question in hand .
16 Section 45(7) allows the court to take into account any statement in any report made to the court and any evidence given during the hearing of an application for , or relating to , an emergency protection order .
17 1917 , at Semirechensk in Turkestan , Russian peasant representatives met to deliberate the subduing of the natives , and resolved to create vigilante groups to keep at bay those fugitives who were now returning ( Muslim sources claim 83,000 were killed ) .
18 There was an old shooting range behind the farmhouse and we went up there one morning to put into practice all that we had learnt about explosives .
19 There will be opportunity for bodies to raise for discussion any related issues .
20 By the time we found a space to stand in comfort most of his drink had gone with a gulp .
21 But meanwhile North had discovered that the secret shipments of arms to Iran were generating upwards of $15 million which he proposed diverting to fund the American-backed Contra forces fighting in Nicaragua for whom Congress had refused to provide any further financial aid on the grounds that Reagan was involving America in an operation to overthrow by force another country 's legitimate government .
22 How can you expect a computer man to understand in detail all aspects of a user 's requirements ?
23 9.18 Value Added Tax There will now most likely be a proviso contained in the lease to the effect that any sums specified in the lease are exclusive of VAT and that any obligation of the tenant in the lease to make any payment to the landlord shall include an obligation to pay in addition any VAT that may be chargeable .
24 We urged the Government to quicken the pace of its pedestrian review of these old permissions and to take powers to enable planning authorities to extinguish without compensation those that would cause an unacceptable level of damage .
25 The solitary plum line to fall on gritstone this summer is Martin Wood 's Abstract Attitude ( E5 6b ) at Earl crag .
26 At common law the landlord will be liable to take reasonable care to keep in repair any essential means of access retained in his possession .
27 In the absence of an express obligation , the landlord will have no duty to keep in repair any pipe or drain through which the tenant discharges soil or water , even if the pipe or drain is retained in the possession of the landlord ( Westminster ( Duke ) v Guild [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 144 ) .
28 But the campaigning group the prison reform trust says it 's not impossible for drugs to get into prison this way .
29 3.4 Immediately upon such approval being obtained the Tenant shall at its own expense apply for and use all reasonable endeavours to obtain without delay all Tenant 's Approvals The question of timing again arises and the tenant may prefer this provision to be watered down slightly as follows :
30 In 1331 Ralph Neville was appointed to that office , and several of his descendants secured a like appointment , culminating in the grant in 1443 to Richard Neville , Earl of Gloucester , of the northern Forest justiceship to hold as an hereditary office for himself and ‘ the heirs male of his body ’ , with certain Forest rents and revenues and ‘ power to appoint at will all foresters and officers in Inglewood Forest ’ .
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