Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [conj] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It takes about 20 minutes to work and can give almost total pain relief .
2 Is he further aware that he carries the good wishes of the party behind him in the difficult few months to come and should go to the talks in great confidence , knowing of the great contribution that this country has made to Europe since the days of William Pitt ?
3 Initially , a swift , artistically rough job was contemplated , a ‘ tendentious piece ’ which would take a few months to write and would enrage ‘ the nihilists and Westerners ’ and set them ‘ howling about me that I 'm a retrograde .
4 Social harmony and peace would prevail as everyone would have their range of roles to play and would know how to play them .
5 This procedure will take upwards of six months to complete and may result in costs , if a potential scheme is delayed .
6 On the other hand , if for her the impossible was not merely possible , not merely probable but certain , she destroyed the route to wonder that might have enhanced her living days .
7 For many weeks prior to the first of February we attempted to get a district council , a Labour council to agree that should apply in the case .
8 I have a battle to win and would ask only that I am given the chance to do so without intrusion in my private life .
9 Even if it 's not used , it 's a good piece of equipment to have and would help some serious writers — Iris Murdoch , for one — not to fall into dreadful traps of bathos and sententiousness .
10 If you think a mistake has been made , you have the right to appeal and can insist on your claim being heard by an independent Social Security Tribunal .
11 All the authorities have twenty eight days to appeal that could result in the final cap being higher , lower or staying the same .
12 Quite often these trusts are on the lookout for new buildings to restore and may have some resources at their disposal .
13 With a compulsion to work that must have been almost the equal of that of Van Gogh , he plunged into print-making and in too short a time had effectively burnt himself out .
14 Labour adopts a dogmatic approach to the rents-to-mortgages scheme , as it did to the right to buy and will abandon it in the same way .
15 People stuck in an aggressive pattern of behaviour often have a very strong desire to win and will do all sorts of things to achieve this .
16 We 're waiting for new stocks to arrive and will forward the mini hi-fi to you as soon as stocks are delivered .
17 In a further television appearance on June 24 , he said that he had twice called the conference to order and would do so again .
18 As a nurse I can not think of a healthier diet to follow and can see no disadvantages in it .
19 The closures are part of an effort to match output to demand and will include redundancies costing £8 million and asset write-offs costing £20 million .
20 The Jaguar XJ two-twenty has already sold out , even though it costs more than four hundred thousand pounds to buy and may cost another twenty thousand pounds a year to insure .
21 And the only English person to win that will back is somebody .
22 The new assembly plant at Rover 's Cowley works in Oxford cost two hundred million pounds to build and will safeguard five thousand jobs .
23 Set up through a partnership between the NHS and private industry , the centre cost half a million pounds to build and can care for fifty patients .
24 It was considered that rough copper was costing at that time £3 : 15s : 0d to produce but would sell for only £2 : 16s : 0d at the most .
25 They need a clear line of sight to shoot and will tear through several ranks of an enemy unit .
26 A sequence of six lines with the same rhyme are given to Dame Sirith as , initially , she professes her conventional goodness and innocence to Wilekin : ( " I am a holy woman ; I know nothing of witchcraft but with almsgiving to good men I sustain my life each day , and offer my paternoster and my creed that God should help those in their need who help me my life to lead and should grant that all should go well with them … )
27 He invariably had some spicy piece of information to impart that would add to Preston 's meagre understanding .
28 ‘ I knew there were only seconds to go and could feel my strength failing with each moment , and a drifting kind of sleep coming on me which whispered , ‘ Give up , Minch , give up … ’ and it was only the knowledge that I was of Callanish , the greatest of the sites , that kept me fighting those few more seconds .
29 Sometimes it is difficult to separate the two , but basically a hand-out is a prepared statement complete in itself , whereas , a worksheet requires student effort to complete and should stimulate further work .
30 However , he denies he was under pressure to move as may have been supposed .
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