Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [pron] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I know you have done a C C Q on yourself and we 've looked at each page in detail but I think until you actually do it yourself and maybe write little prompts to let you know what 's on the next page so you can signpost it most effectively to move round the C C Q as opposed to you dri er as opposed to it driving you , you can drive it , but that should be done in the fullness of time but I do recommend you do it before you actually do your first full appointment cos it might pay you .
2 If there 's erm For instance I 've had a situation where on a medical practice booklet because we er hand back a hundred pound for every full page that we we gain in the medical practice booklet , er it 's an encouragement for if we 're just a quarter of a half page short , er for the practice to say you know we 'll get for another hundred quid we 'd all we need to do is make a couple of phone calls and threaten erm one or two of our patients .
3 ‘ I 'll see the builder , then , and give you a ring on Monday evening to let you know what 's happening .
4 ‘ It must have taken a lot of practice to become so fluent , ’ she called down the hatch to let him know she was back .
5 She 'd promised to phone Julie that night to let her know she 'd arrived safely and to check on her sister .
6 Please fill in the questionnaire on the following page : questions 1 to 9 tell us what you are already doing ; questions 10 to 14 are your chance to let us know what you want from Amnesty .
7 Get an organ donor card , fill it in and show it to your relatives to let them know your wishes .
8 Like a signal to let you know I want just to talk .
9 It might be worth giving him a bell to let him know what 's happening cos
10 ‘ Not a word out of that dog to let me know you were coming , ’ her mother said crossly .
11 And we would like people to let us know what they think .
12 You must ask your manager to let you know what is , and is not , acceptable .
13 She ought to phone Arnie to let him know she was back , but he was the last person she felt like speaking to right now .
14 Or did he just leave a message to let me know he 'd called ? ’
15 There are various activities in this book to help you know yourself better .
16 ‘ We would urge her to get in touch with her family or the police to let us know she is all right . ’
17 ‘ We said prayers for his recovery and Tony 's dad has promised to keep in touch to let us know what the latest is .
18 Australia was a big place ; no real reason to suppose he knew her parents , and yet why did she keep getting this feeling of being manipulated ?
19 Jesus had not left them orphans : he had come to them in the person of the Spirit , who was not only the special gift of the Messiah to the messianic people in order to enable them to know his continued presence with them , but was the first instalment of the Age to Come , the pledge that the last days which had dawned with Jesus of Nazareth would , one day , come to God 's perfect conclusion .
20 Well , the next step is , we would very much like the public to let us know what they think of some of her ideas , like turning Cornmarket into northbound only , like the twenty mile an hour speed limit and some of her ideas for High Street .
21 And it worried her too ( He might have had an accident — should I phone the police ? ) , almost as much as it angered her ( He might have had the decency to let me know he would n't be in to supper ) .
22 He said nothing , just squeezed her arm to let her know it was all right , that he wanted her to be there as well .
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