Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] never [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Surere could never make love to a woman .
2 Research will never eliminate risk , but it minimizes it .
3 The courts could not create a ‘ surrogate right of appeal ’ by extending the High Court 's supervisory role through judicial review proceedings , even though it meant a trial might never take place .
4 She knew that marriage could never promise permanence .
5 But rugby will never have access to the three major broadcast television networks in the U.S. as a stand-alone sport ; there are too many established sports hogging the airwaves .
6 The Court of Victoria rightly rejected the contention that a careless act can never give rise to a cause of action in negligence unless there is in existence at the time of the act a legal person affected by it who can sue .
7 No matter what the intellectual window dressers did to make these boys seem less attractive , the fact of the matter is Guy Debord could never play guitar like Steve Jones , and the only Society Of The Spectacle anyone in rock ‘ n ’ roll is interested in nowadays is that of Messrs Bausch & Lomb of California .
8 However , he assumed that capitalism could not finally achieve an integrated world , that the bourgeoisie could never transcend nationality .
9 After all today the Earl of Coventry would never get planning permission .
10 For example , readers who do not possess a pet would never include pet food among the essentials , whereas a dog or cat owner unquestionably would .
11 Husband would never authorise gunplay in London .
12 Neither inspectors nor the police are entitled to demand a breathalyser test or a blood or urine sample from a surviving pilot who has had an aircraft accident — though if he is killed the coroner will never refuse permission for the pathologist to test the victim 's blood for alcohol content .
13 Size and length are important , but it 's the gigot that breeders must never lose sight of .
14 Unfortunately Harry could never understand Dona and Karenin in truing to help the situation made Anna even more dissatisfied with her life .
15 John Foster , who was the first director of the Countryside Commission for Scotland , said existing provisions would never secure public access over mountain areas .
16 Relationships were just too difficult , the sexes would never see eye to eye , it was all too much bother .
17 You see there 's every , every , there 's every evidence to show there 's every evidence to show that those who live by profits will never cure pollution .
18 If the moth were to become extinct , the yuccas would never set seed .
19 However , the Court cautioned that its ruling did not mean that " a state may never punish publication of the name of a victim of a sexual offence " .
20 Firstly that Britain would never end immigration altogether ( even if it ended black immigration ) , because if it did so the economy might not survive its periodic labour shortages .
21 Although triticale will never replace wheat , it is a vitally important addition to the armoury needed to defeat famine , precisely because it is so much better adapted to the marginal lands on which so many of the poor and hungry live .
22 ‘ Market forces will never take care of an industry as special as fishing . ’
23 A salesperson should never abandon hope of winning an account .
24 Diana could never become Queen unless Charles is King .
25 The one other place — the first being the cemetery — that Jean-Claude would never set foot in .
26 Lexandro stared at Valence , and it was as if their minds conjoined for an instant — Valence would never abandon Lexandro .
27 Because of the Queen 's determination to remain on the throne , Charles will never become King .
28 The rational view after yesterday 's announcement must be that Charles will never become King .
29 She was not entirely convinced — surely London could never have weather as dreary as a northern winter ?
30 Underlying this approach was a liberal view of human nature ; good men and women would never want war , which must therefore result only from either mutual misunderstanding or the dominance of uneducated or uncivilized minds in the political process .
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