Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] have [vb pp] all " in BNC.

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1 For all we in the 20th. century know , Plato may have dreamed all the conversations with Socrates .
2 In all cases where substituted service is effected , the creditor must have taken all those steps which would suffice to justify the court making an order for substituted service of a petition ( see Section 10 below ) .
3 The palm wine he 'd drunk at the evening banquet must have driven all sense from him … his first taste .
4 No doubt in the summer , the area would be spotted with ardently rucksacked walkers , but it was now early November , and the recent rain and cold would have deterred all but the most perverse .
5 The implied contempt for instinct , together with his excessive logical faculty , explains why Socrates should have depreciated all known art and ethics and aspired with " divine naivete " to put them right .
6 If I had loved Agnes so much , surely my passionate nature would have broken all bounds ?
7 A formal papal judgement on this point would have dispelled all doubts .
8 When the knight got to be too old for fighting , about 30 ( ! ) , and became arthritic and slow , his squire would have learned all the skills of chivalry and daring , and would defend him and his family into their old age .
9 The last of these factors is the age of the pot , because its initial firing by the potter in antiquity would have ejected all the trapped electrons ( thus ‘ zeroing the TL clock ’ ) , from which time the electron population in deep traps would have steadily built up .
10 Using the word ‘ postpone ’ instead of abandon may have made all the difference to that client 's reaction .
11 Lee may have found all that a valuable lesson , but there were times when it seemed Marvin just had n't learned at all .
12 Announcing its decision , the Department of Environment said it had responded to three main criticisms : i ) the register would have listed all potential , not necessarily actual , contaminated sites , since it included all locations where specified industries had been sited ; ii ) sites would not be removed from the register , even if after clean-up ; iii ) there was no specific provision for determining who should bear the liability , and the costs , of the clean-up .
13 he 'd go upstairs and Shirley would have put all the clean clothes back in the wardrobe and he 'd go in the wardrobe oh , no I wo n't wear that , no I wo n't wear that and half the time she found the cleanest clothes were all rolled up under the bed .
14 The radiation from this explosion would have sterilized all the planets of the Solar System while at the same time creating a huge , expanding shell of gases .
15 Of all the visits Scott can only recall one where the SSD would have delivered all eight key tasks in time for April regardless of the Support Force .
16 And Lee will have done all that revision and he wo n't come out with an A.
17 Once cooked , the lentils should have absorbed all of the water and feel soft in texture .
18 Such a miracle would have dwarfed all miracles recorded in the Bible , and Frederick Temple , who in 1896 became Archbishop of Canterbury , pointed out in his Bampton Lecture of 1884 that neither Darwin nor Huxley had claimed to know how life had come to animate inert matter .
19 One slip of the tongue would have betrayed all I was working for .
20 ‘ By the morrow , I dare say , the news will have reached all parts of the City — and within a week or two , the entire realm .
21 Mr Major therefore made a stab at the second — though it might seem that after 11 years in office , Mrs Thatcher 's radical government should have had all the time it needed for tax reform .
22 We 've always had it , the Victorians must have known all about it .
23 The number of black holes , however , is almost certainly very much higher ; in the long history of the universe , many stars must have burned all their nuclear fuel and have had to collapse .
24 The Doctor realises that there is no way the two teachers could have achieved all this , but it is Barbara who arrives at the real solution .
25 Indenbaum did not take the proposition seriously , as he felt sure that Modi would have forgotten all about it in the morning , but Modigliani was insistent and asked Indenbaum if he had canvas and paint at home .
26 As leader of the free world , supported by many other countries and more than adequately equipped , he and the US would have lost all credibility , had any other decision been made .
27 Hilda must have known all about it , so it just depends on whether she thought she could reform him , or whether she were content to take him as he was . ’
28 Because Jean-Claude must have felt all this , too , there was no point in my saying anything .
29 The poor duck must have crawled all that way , a hundred metres or more to that second patch of light ; our bright idea of putting the branches down after him to cover him up was pointless ; for all these years it would only have needed some more kids to have come along with torches or bits of burning paper to discover the body .
30 Now if it so happened that the A sixty one was seen as a marginally shorter route , then the model would have sent all the through traffic along the A s sixty one and none along around the bypass .
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