Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Nothertheless there are some general patterns that may be helpfully described even though any individual sufferer may rightly say that the entire pattern does not imply to him or her .
2 Those who were educated prior to the mid-1970s may well believe that history has little to contribute to education in the 1990s because they believe it still to be predominantly concerned with narrative chronology with much copying down of dictated notes .
3 Looking at the patchwork nature of the results , Sir Patrick may well decide that his proposals to give new talks ‘ a sense of direction and focus ’ would be better grounded in reality than continued wishful thinking .
4 Nevertheless , the intelligence that we have developed for other reasons may well ensure that we find the right answers to these questions .
5 A customer who has made a major purchase may then realise that he needs other , smaller items .
6 The fact of no income may well mean that she can not continue to pay the mortgage , and so she will have to move house thereby losing her home , friends and familiar surroundings .
7 Effective history teaching may also require that pupils spend as much time away from the screen , discussing , hypothesising and analysing their findings , as actually working at the keyboard .
8 These accounts may therefore imply that , as language strengthens its hold on consciousness and , through writing , on the explicit world of knowledge , objects may retain their place in the ordering of the unconscious world .
9 The Member States may indeed decide that the employee 's contract shall simply continue with the transferor , but they may equally decide that the employee 's refusal to transfer shall be regarded as a termination of the contract by the employer or , even , that the refusal to transfer is to be treated as a determination of the contract of by the employee ( point 36 ) .
10 Can only assume this was designed a long time ago , say roughly 1983 ; surely even Peter Snow must now realise that a Labour landslide is rather more likely than a Tory one .
11 However , the drafter must also ensure that the terms are legally correct .
12 In such circumstances , it would still be under an obligation to give notification of its intention to march , and the courts should perhaps hold that no offence is committed under section 11(7) if notice has been given , however shortly before the proposed ‘ counter march , ’ where this would still permit the imposition of conditions by the police , if necessary , under section 12 .
13 In either of these situations the contract should specifically state that the ownership of the copyright belongs to the organization and not to the programmer and , furthermore , there should be a written assignment of copyright , signed by the freelance programmer .
14 There seems no good reason for the husband to be able to claim that he should not convey as " beneficial owner " and the wife 's solicitors should therefore insist that he so conveys ( see Chapter 3 ) .
15 If judicial review is seen as going further and being concerned with the protection of groups as well as individuals , standing rules should only require that the applicant show that he , she or it shares some interest with others .
16 In a direct reference to the West Belfast MP , the spokesman added : ‘ Dr Hendron may well recall that in recent months the RUC presence in loyalist areas has produced complaints of police harassment . ’
17 Alternatively or additionally subjects may genuinely feel that there is greater subjective difference within the few films they have given high ratings to than within the many they have given lower ratings to and have been at least partially successful in avoiding what Poulton ( 1989 ) terms equal frequency biases .
18 These data may therefore indicate that when the gastrin concentration giving maximal trophic effect is reached , further growth of the enterochromaffin like cells id eependent on the duration of the hypergastrinaemia .
19 If you are also thinking of replacing your heating system , having better standards of insulation may also mean that you can specify a less powerful ( and less expensive ) boiler .
20 A modern mind may well feel that even the hint was too much .
21 Readers may also recall that in this new volume of the journal we are introducing an occasional unrefereed series of short features entitled ‘ EP-odds and ends ’ .
22 Indeed , one may imagine that in their private lives these same authors may well feel that the visit of the in-laws or attendance at some social function or a distant relative , two of the few reminders of the once overwhelming burden of personal social relations , are curbs upon their own ‘ freedom ’ .
23 As you know from our submission , sir , n we 've taken a more modest requirement for the Greater York area , and that 's based to some extent upon what we think is is achievable there , we 're not saying that erm the figure should not be higher , we 're not saying that the H B F figure for instance should nu not be er put in there , but what we 're saying is if that higher figure does go in because of the clear constraints on the provision of additional land the the higher figure may well mean that there 's a need for two new settlements ra rather than just one .
24 A public company must use the words ‘ public limited company ’ or ‘ PLC ’ in its name , and the company 's memorandum of association must also state that the company is a public limited company .
25 It is vital that schools should always remember that preparation for working life is one of their principal functions .
26 Good liaison should also ensure that duplication of content does not occur or that where repetition of a topic does take place , there is a significant variation in the depth , focus and treatment of such a topic .
27 Counsel should also ensure that there is annexed any material which counsel would expect the court to note in detail .
28 An estate agent must then show that ‘ all due diligence ’ has been used to avoid a false or misleading impression being given about a property .
29 The parties should then state that these documents constitute the entire agreement between them .
30 Me the eternal optimist must now concede that Leeds have very little chance of winning the league this year .
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