Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [adv] become [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Educational theory and methodology could also become part of this academic enrichment — as could such things as sociology and applied psychology .
2 Our shipwrecked hero would probably become king ; he would kill a great many blacks in the struggle for existence ; he would have a great many wives and children , while many of his subjects would live and die as bachelors …
3 Under the Parliament Act the Lords could bold up legislation for two years , so Home Rule and Welsh Disestablishment would both become law in 1914 , at least a year before an election need be held .
4 When the party leader , for whatever reason , becomes permanently unavailable , the deputy party leader shall automatically become leader until a new party leader is elected at a party conference .
5 Isolation in the staff room can often become part of the community language teacher 's experience but that should not deter the teacher from becoming more outgoing and willing to share , even where others initially are not so forthcoming .
6 The turn of a dancer 's back can now become part of a beautiful line being made in a total picture .
7 As far emerging technologies go , Rothstein says although the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment may well become part of a common distributed infrastructure , he claims it is still on a very low level as far as developers are concerned .
8 Destiny will also represent a turning point for Adobe Systems Inc , whose Type Manager will now become part of the Unix operating system .
9 Their belief is that we stand at the beginning of an age in which the microcomputer will truly become part of human culture .
10 It is assumed that Mr Cojuangco would then become chairman of San Miguel , as he was in the Marcos days .
11 Long was now unwell and Austen Chamberlain could hardly become leader if Law had resigned over food taxes , so that there was no credible successor to Law .
12 Last night , amid growing doubts that the treaty will ever become law in its present form , Mr Major faced demands for a referendum in Britain .
13 Stars will eventually become cash cows as they reach maturity .
14 Diana could never become Queen unless Charles is King .
15 Because of the Queen 's determination to remain on the throne , Charles will never become King .
16 The rational view after yesterday 's announcement must be that Charles will never become King .
17 This compendium of ‘ out-takes ’ , from the campaign trail in the pivotal 1992 New Hampshire Presidential primary , leaves the viewer wondering at the knowledge that one of these men will actually become president !
18 At some stage , in general , elements formerly made zero will again become nonzero , though usually smaller than before .
19 In most of the ‘ new ’ universities , fine art courses will shortly become part of a modular system which , in name at least , will enable students to draw on a much wider range of studies from women 's writing to gender and psychology .
20 ‘ It is not conceivable that Princess Diana can now become queen , ’ he said .
21 Like his predecessor , Shalikashvili would also become commander of the US forces in Europe .
22 With this in mind the Hong Kong U24 squad will also become part of the national squad .
23 And he laughs at the idea that the Prince of Darkness will now become King of the Castle .
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