Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [adv] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first phases of the campaign were exclusively naval operations , since it had been assumed by the British War Cabinet and the French that a naval force could not only bombard and destroy the Turkish forts on the peninsula but in some way occupy Constantinople .
2 Botha will almost certainly captain South Africa rather than Jannie Breedt , though Breedt may well stay as No 8 .
3 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also negatively impact time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
4 Most chlorine additives will not easily air strip .
5 It 's no good him taking the bridge down out now , because he ca n't put the wall ca n't really re-brick there now much too wet !
6 It is a sorry thing when an eagle can not even ward off two miserable hooded crows .
7 Plainly there are different degrees of misbehaviour and the partners will not readily resort to the extreme sanction of expulsion , but it is in the interests of the firm that a tendency to depart from proper professional standards be investigated and warnings handed down at an early stage before serious harm is done .
8 The Japanese manufacturers also made a " voluntary " commitment to sell an extra 20,000 US-made cars per year , although the new total would still only amount only to some 50,000 , and many of these would be Japanese-brand vehicles made in the USA .
9 I think the peasants may not immediately sort of , I mean they wou they would have sort of linked together
10 And he says that the registers will not just impact on companies owning the land included .
11 In England these varied in scale from the magnificence of eighteenth-century Bath to quiet Tunbridge Wells on the Sussex borders , ‘ a place in which a lady however virtuous , yet for want of good conduct may as soon shipwreck her character as in any part of England ’ .
12 Goslings will not only imprint themselves on human beings or geese , but also on inanimate objects such as a cardboard box , a rubber ball , or even a flashing light .
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