Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 A chital hind may last only a day but a chital stag weighing up to 200 lb ( 90 kg ) will feed a tiger for two or three days .
2 Once all the reasons behind her aggressive behaviour are worked out , your vet may put together a therapy plan , or even arrange a consultation with a behaviour therapist .
3 While analysts appreciate more information — because they have the ability to separate the price sensitive information from the padding — shareholders may require only a good summary of performance to date .
4 In practical terms , a checklist may take only a very short time to complete , providing that the teacher or therapist is familiar with the child being assessed .
5 The works of Orphist artists should offer simultaneously a sensation of pure aesthetic enjoyment , a structure of which the senses are hardly aware and a profound content , in other words a subject .
6 At one extreme , an encoder may provide only a bibliographic identification of the text .
7 They are class-blind , in that the programme may reach only a minority , and separates this elite from the bulk of girls who are defined as failures and frequently pushed into opposition to the school 's programme .
8 Whether or not a formal debate is held will depend on the purpose of the examination and a number of other factors , but it is obviously necessary to seek the client 's opinion before deciding the direction that a study should take once a number of problems have been identified .
9 The reference interview should ascertain both a clear subject profile and also other characteristics of the required documents or information , such as any constraints on date , language , source or level .
10 A writer in an edition of the Manchester City News of 1908 recorded that such a vast hive of industry could overpower even a worldly-wise observer :
11 We could be in for some dramatic sea level changes because of climatic change ; volcanic action could have quite a bearing on that .
12 From this month on , junkies need make only a telephone call to exchange their used , possibly-AIDS bearing , needles for new clean ones , delivered free of charge .
13 Tony Ruffell , chief executive of Nottinghamshire FHSA , told me that preliminary research in the county suggested that each general practitioner would encounter only a few such difficult decisions a year — perhaps five or six .
14 The plethora of dams will uproot over a million people — including many tribals — and submerge about 850,000 acres of forest and 500,000 acres of cultivated land — almost as much as it will irrigate .
15 Depending on where they are standing a person looking from either side will see only a partial image or a totally dark and blank screen .
16 Depending on where they are standing a person looking from either side will see only a partial image or a totally dark and blank screen .
17 The present level of oil tax revenue will build about a million hotel rooms per year , providing really excellent facilities of the standard expected by overseas visitors to our country .
18 The Programme will have both a specific and a general relevance to current policy concerns .
19 Jacquard patterns which are knitted using the AX ( KX ) or FX settings can be knitted following a full needle rib , but those knitted with the BX ( LX ) or HX settings will need either a 2x1 rib or a tubular welt as the full needle rib would be too wide for the fabric .
20 The present chapter will constitute only a brief indication as to the relevant Acts and principles ; the reader needing more detail is referred to the Acts themselves and to Honoré 's work , or that of others .
21 Not all the attitudes which precede a review will survive once a management plan has been put into action .
22 Organizations can absorb only a small number of people with these work goals .
23 The first assumption is that each cell can accommodate only a single reach or segment of a stream , and the stream can therefore move through each cell only once .
24 Again , still pictures can provide only a limited impression of what is seen in motion , but Figs. 21.18 and 21.19 illustrate important aspects .
25 Julie Barsby argues that self-evaluation by seven year-olds can become quite a sophisticated exercise .
26 This chapter can give only a general survey , intended to place the various methods in some perspective .
27 The better-known Cabinet Ministers moved in a stately fashion as if speed of foot might trample accidentally a party worker bent upon homage ; better to tread slowly so as to receive fittingly the admiration of many .
28 He pointed out that modifying the credit acquisition policies might have only a minimal effect , since most of the losses were from cases accepted some time ago .
29 Yet again , a big , comparatively heavy bait such as a lobworm , on a clean bottom may require only a few inches , for the sheer weight of this bait means the bream has to position himself quite close to it for the suck to be effective .
30 Beetles , wasps , squirrels etc feed upon the leaves and acorns of the oak ; but a tree that weighs 100 tonnes may produce only a few tonnes of such provender each year .
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