Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] not [be] taken " in BNC.

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1 The leading Republican Senator , Robert Dole caused uproar in Israel when he suggested this money should n't be taken for granted , but there 's no sign the Bush administration is prepared to use this muscle .
2 Others have criticised such a view on the grounds that it introduces an undesirable ambiguity into the concept of existence , and have argued that propositions of this kind should not be taken at their face value but should be paraphrased in such a way as to prevent spurious names from usurping the role of subjects .
3 The parallel should not be taken too far , however .
4 Some of these opinions can be seen reflected in the behaviour of skins , but the parallel should not be taken too far .
5 The Circular points out that the decision should not be taken as sanctioning such advice given to such girls by teachers .
6 Such a decision should not be taken timidly .
7 The creditor should not be taken in so doing to have assumed a duty of care .
8 Their existence should not be taken to mean that studying the neural bases of behaviour is beyond us , but they should be recognized when designing and interpreting experiments .
9 Everyday language , yes , but the words should not be taken literally .
10 However , the analogy should not be taken too far .
11 This is true to some extent but the analogy must not be taken too far as there are some important differences .
12 and Otton J. ) affirmed his acquittal by the Crown Court ( which had allowed an appeal against conviction by justices ) on the ground that the defendant , when required to give blood , had raised an objection capable of amounting to a medical reason why blood should not be taken and that this could only be determined by a medical practitioner .
13 In one recent debate , five Law Lords , in an unprecedented way , spoke against a legislative proposal which provided that in assessing damages payable to a widow on the death of her husband , her remarriage or prospects of remarriage should not be taken into account .
14 Ideally , steps should not be taken to remove children from parental care unless there is clearly no other way to prevent harm to them and unless other options , such as day-care , financial and housing help , have been investigated first .
15 Gradually the short hops became longer hops , and it was evident that there was no reason why this aircraft should not be taken into her natural environment .
16 A blank will mean that the action should not be taken .
17 The officer did not invite the defendant to express a preference for giving blood or urine but warned him of the consequences of failure to provide a specimen and gave him the opportunity to put forward any reasons why a specimen of blood could not be taken by a doctor .
18 I approach slowly so that the animals will not be taken by surprise and panic into a rush for the sea , but even so several of the younger seals take fright and slide into the water .
19 In an economy as complicated as ours , action can not be taken very quickly , and any change in our national taxation system would take years to complete .
20 Of , the ACIR study can not be taken as unambiguous falsification of Marxist and elite theory approaches and support for pluralist approaches The ACIR case studies , as discussed in the ACIR report , do indeed conform to the models of pluralism outlined in Chapter 5 .
21 The metabolic concentrations can not be taken to be representative of analgesic ratios .
22 As always with cohort measures , the data can not be taken up to the present day without a considerable element of projection ( broken line ) of the generation rate .
23 ( The ILEA figure can not be taken at face value in its last , incomplete , year .
24 First , the poetry of Byrd 's songs can not be taken lightly .
25 The only problem that I can see is that fact that many books can not be taken home and that many sources can not be photocopied .
26 There are claimed benefits in academic progress and in social and emotional maturity , but the solution to the basic problem of the language and learning environments can not be taken to be solved in the mainstreaming option .
27 This condition provides that a consignment note can act as a receipt but under contract law should not be taken as ‘ evidence of the condition or of the correctness of the declared nature , quantity , or weight of the Consignment at the time it is received by the Carrier ’ .
28 A middle course may be achieved by the phrase : " for the purpose of delineation only " , which has been held to mean that the plan must not be taken to be drawn to scale but the lines are correct diagrammatically ( Re Freeman and Taylor 's Contract ( 1907 ) 97 LT 39 ) .
29 If not , the ratification of Maastricht should not be taken as a signal that the Europe of the past few decades has been assured of perpetuity , but rather that a redefinition of its ambitions is overdue .
30 Taken together , these forms of differentiation have produced a highly complex pattern of cultural diversity , although the existence of this cultural pluralism must not be taken to imply a basic equality of power and influence between the various groups .
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