Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 This polarity of views may be represented in terms of the differential propensities sr and sw .
2 Other illustrations may be incorporated in the text and are often called ‘ cuts ’ or ‘ figures ’ .
3 The Companies Act 1989 attempts to remove the need for these lengthy clauses by providing that a company 's objects may be stated in any manner .
4 The specific objectification of a moral and juridical individual through the use of objects may be found in a wide range of societies , including those where kinship rather than the economy appears to be the dominant organizational principle .
5 A tile of lecturers may be stored in ‘ lecturer number ’ or ‘ lecturer name ’ sequence .
6 While emphasising the interdependence between semantic expres-sions and underlying cognitive concepts , this approach also implies that not all of a child 's understanding of a particular experience may be expressed in language , and that a child may intend to express more than she is actually able to encode formally in language structures .
7 A fuller treatment of the principles applicable to the interpretation of contracts may be found in The Interpretation of Contracts ( Sweet and Maxwell , 1989 ) by the author .
8 Though ruach may be found in man , it is always , so to speak , on loan , and not a possession ; a resident alien , not a native .
9 These two sets of attitudes may be combined in various ways .
10 Other rituals may be performed in order to address the anxiety of the family regarding the naming and blessing of the child and commendations to God .
11 In his excellent review of studies of ‘ what managers do ’ , Hales has argued that three areas of difficulty may be encountered in the published research evidence on managerial work , viz :
12 If the latter then considerable difficulty may be encountered in trying to help the patient change his attitudes .
13 Luggage transport ( all cases may be left in Kaprun ) approx £19.00
14 This fall in the velocity of circulation of broad money may be explained in terms of several factors .
15 The finance of trade and capital flows can be carried out in various currencies when the latter are freely convertible into each other , although payment may be preferred in currencies which have a more stable exchange value .
16 Short courses of metronidazole may be indicated in patients with problematic iron deficiency anaemia or hypoalbuminaemia but long term treatment is clearly hampered by the possibility of peripheral neuropathy and other serious side effects of metronidazole .
17 Rewards may be given in terms of pay , promotion , status , official approval etc .
18 Higher notes may be reached in ff by good symphony-orchestra players , and are often found in big scores , but they are extremely risky for the average player and cause physical discomfort both to him and his audience .
19 Such notes may be included in the accounts or in separate documents annexed thereto .
20 A reflection of clerical involvement in the world of the courts may be glimpsed in the large stained-glass window given to York Minster by Master Peter de Dene , king 's clerk , probably between 1307 and 1310 ( see plate 2.6 ) .
21 An implication of this is that the contents of the operand field may be modified in accordance with the addressing mode field before being used as a literal value ; this allows some alteration of the value ( for example , by adding the contents of an index register ) without altering the instruction .
22 Celtic self-awareness may be traced in the popular rebellions of the fifth century , especially in Armorica ( Zosim. 6.5.3 ) .
23 By section 72(3) no statement or admission made by a person pursuant to that section shall , in proceedings for any related offence , be admissible in evidence against that person or against the spouse of that person but any statement or admission may be admitted in evidence in proceedings for perjury or contempt of court .
24 Taxes may be classified in a number of different ways .
25 The following keywords may be used in the RDBI configuration file :
26 The text may be presented in a variety of styles .
27 Text may be input in a variety of ways :
28 Impressions and patterns may be made in the wet sand , either by hand or with the tools available .
29 In this case the proposed change may be incorporated in the design at the discretion of the Development Manager .
30 ( 8 ) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners , but no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners .
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