Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] i [vb past] them " in BNC.

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1 I left right , right , I ran off I jumped out the car because I heard them driving round the corner
2 And er she says Jean I swear to God she says if she comes over near my door , I 've told Jim she says , I , I 'm ready for her I 'll beat her round that square and she said I 'm not like that but she says that 's just the way she says , and she hurt my kids when I sent them Easter eggs over , doing that she says , that really galled me , she says cos they were hurting my kids rather than me .
3 Stok joined in the last three words as I said them , and then he laughed So loud that I thought he would shake some of the cracked tiles off the wall .
4 My results were received with general disbelief when I announced them at a conference near Oxford .
5 Almost as if you understood what was in my mind when I designed them . ’
6 They said they would not let my back into the village until I got them a ration card and some wheat .
7 Old hands from the music business — usually loquacious if invited to reminisce — were struck by collective amnesia when I asked them about Dury .
8 They were about to arrest the whole band until I told them I was to blame . ’
9 ‘ Do you think the speakers would give a better quality of sound if I moved them further apart ? ’
10 Well a thing called power handshakes , which I thought were the biggest load of gobbledegook until I watched them , a specific chat show host .
11 One of the men called to me in German as I passed them .
12 But I have made the films as I wanted them .
13 Every last one of them I would imagine that were in that room when I met them er a week ago Friday I would , would probably stake my shirt on it , not that shirt , but this one
14 I was unfamiliar with the equipment in the room , although I knew an operating table and anaesthetic apparatus when I saw them .
15 and could report upon them in their own ethical statements , but they could not object to my ethical statements as I meant them , if I have the relevant feelings .
16 Says the star : ‘ They did n't bat an eyelid when I told them I wanted it delivered 5,000 miles away in London .
17 I 'm quite a lazy person so I ignored them .
18 I thought it might hurt the boys ’ feelings if I told them we think Miguelito is better-looking than they are . ’
19 The way they were hanging on to each other when I caught them , it 's very easy to believe . ’
20 I was really chuffed because normally with those the fans are ducking in the Shed when I hit them .
21 They put things right with a smile when I got them wrong , and I fell into their ways and rhythm of working as well as I could .
22 My dad bought me these bought me a micro , bought me a twenty five pair of erm pyjamas from Marks cos I saw them .
23 and they had all these great pads you know and I had all these maternity pads because I needed them you know I had to pad up and I had to and I felt so embarrassed
24 ‘ I suggested the same thing to every other member of the backroom staff as I appointed them and they all agreed .
25 Seems ages since I saw them .
26 He 'd change the subject if I mentioned them ,
27 They would never stay in my bedroom very long , but you can imagine my excitement each lunchtime as I watched them arrive in the garden , enter the house and quack their way up to me , as regular as clockwork .
28 For those who are wondering why I have this set-up , the three were introduced at a small size when I thought them a male and two females ; and I am unwilling to upset a settled pair by unnecessarily removing the decor and setting two with a net !
29 Aunt Kit never wrote , it would have shamed her to write my married name on the envelope , but she knitted for the baby , strange , holey garments that stretched to a huge size when I washed them , big enough for a prize boxer .
30 I did n't lose her till she was over twenty but So but I think it was desperation because if I 'd had money I should 've had a house full of children because I loved them , you see , I 've always loved children .
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