Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] i had never " in BNC.

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1 I remembered this recently with all these people falling from express trains but did n't think it could be the same on local lines as I had never heard anyone complain before .
2 We visited Blackwell 's , such a bookshop as I had never before seen , and Vivien left with armfuls of books , and I , happy with one modest Penguin .
3 I liked the experience because I had never done it .
4 For a short time I was completely clammed up with Marian because I had never been allowed to talk about myself with my wife .
5 Then , for five minutes at least , he was still again , and then , when he knew he was talking with God , his arm went around my shoulder and there came up from the depth of his heart such petitions for men as I had never heard be-fore .
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