Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [verb] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Sex is more like eating than breathing in this regard — and interestingly , the word " appetite " is often used in relation to both activities .
2 You see I get the impression that , that most of you more or less are willing to except all the bad things about cars because given at this particular hundred has sixty three car er , car or vehicle owners , you 'll put up with the danger and the pollution and er , er all the various bad side effects of the motor industry because weighing things up you 've got independence , you 've got freedom , you 've got shelter , a wardrobe , some where to carry the kids , is , would that be a correct estimate , is that , that , that is a general
3 Other family names which come to mind as living in this terrace include Cobb , Welsh , Conduit , Weston , Andrews , Bannell and Godwin .
4 Please bear in mind when looking through this brochure that , at the time of going to press , the Euro Disneyland Theme Park was still under construction .
5 The submission was however inconsistent with the law as stated by this House in Reg. v. Governor of Pentonville Prison , Ex parte Sinclair [ 1991 ] 2 A.C. 64 , 81–92 , in which it was made clear in the speech of Lord Ackner ( with which the remainder of the Appellate Committee agreed ) that , under the provisions of the Extradition Act 1870 , the powers of the magistrate are specifically laid down in sections 3(1) , 8 , 9 and 10 of the Act ; and that in consequence , apart from consideration where appropriate whether the offence in question was an offence of a political character , the magistrate is not concerned with questions of foreign law at all , being concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to an English crime or crimes specified in the Secretary of State 's order to proceed .
6 It will remain soft for about 24 hours if kept in this way .
7 Jim Magilton provided United with this chance just before half time .
8 This pitch is so called because the 2nd Man , when rattling the bag of acid drops , fervently murmures ‘ Amen ’ to any remarks let fall by the leader while struggling with this steep wall of 8 cubits in stature ! ’
9 Like many ego psychologists , Greer , for example , sees narcissism as a matter of conscious self-esteem and ‘ egotism ’ and views women 's defects as concentrated in this psychological area .
10 That offence carries a maximum sentence of 10 years , the same period as appears in this mutiny Bill .
11 The label ‘ hard look ’ developed in essence because the United States ' courts began to desire more control than allowed by this limited test .
12 The self-help suggestions as outlined in this book will help to increase your energy levels and restore a sense of harmony to your life , no matter how frenetic that life may be .
13 the only erm problem I had I think with the basic er terms as outlined in this document are the fact that I 'm going to be wor erm intending to work for fif at least fifty of the fifty two weeks in the year at it when of course erm certainly as we 'd already agreed on my erm business plan within the summer month from the the end of July until the beginning of September
14 Between 1979 and 1983 this region experienced the highest level of energy consumption growth of all among the Third World regions as considered in this study ( Latin America , Africa , South East Asia , Middle East ) and between 1983 and 2000 the level of increase will be exceeded only by South East Asia .
15 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
16 So , in its relations with Government , Co-operation as practised in this country functions as part of the private sector .
17 The analysis is , of course , relevant not only to issues of managerial efficiency as defined in this chapter , but also to the selection of management goals , the subject of Chapters 2 and 3 .
18 Such a suggestion is , of course , entirely consistent with the ideas about the function of grammar as outlined in this chapter .
19 Traditionally sedimentologists have regarded grain size populations as approximating to this form of distribution and have based their methods of data plotting and statistical analysis on this assumed relationship .
20 It 's best to wear gloves when dealing with this one , but do n't make a pantomime of it — y'know what I mean ?
21 There 's the ‘ I 'm so fat I could be a turkey ’ type of robin ; the ‘ Is n't there more to life than standing on this stupid twig ’ robin ; and , the special favourite , the robin with the ‘ How come the cattle always get to go in the stable ? ’ look .
22 Against a mobile enemy such as Bretonnian knights you must be careful of their charge — a unit of Goblins will be swept away in one turn if caught like this .
23 Although he undoubtedly did not see it as such , what Jesus Christ was really doing was fighting to uphold the Second Choice as specified in this book .
24 Jade when listen to this you best beat him up bad .
25 But having said that , over the whole of the tropics , there 's something like a thousand million hectares of forest , of which one million is actually managed as sustained yield as defined by this book , which is erm managing the forest , and actually carrying out sort of operations to improve the regeneration afterwards .
26 Similarly we are expected to understand the distinction between Atlantis qua actually existing and the idea of Atlantis as conceived by this , that or other person , writer , scholar .
27 Paul is evidently referring to the Spirit when talking of this power , since he not only prays that the Spirit will reveal it to his readers , but he , in common with other New Testament writers , associates the Spirit with the resurrection of Christ from the dead ( I Tim .
28 I sit on the side of the bed and decide maybe Rachel is right : I 'd be better off between the sheets than listening to this dross .
29 Looking about him , it was hard to imagine anything quite so different from the world he had inhabited these past ten years — a world as divorced from this simple domesticity as death is from life .
30 Erm , I 've been thinking that I ca n't chair this meeting and take the notes and things when it becomes , and if it , the fund comes through and it becomes the audio description project as opposed to this group , and you know we will be widening out a little bit , I wonder if we should actually have a chairman type person .
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