Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [det] of the " in BNC.

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1 It is of particular relevance in the construction of chain-linked index numbers where the comparison is made as a sequence of year-to-year ( or month-to-month , etc. ) indices using either of the index numbers described .
2 In the library she saw an exhibition dedicated to the war poets and plans for the library extension ; she met students and researchers using some of the library 's on-line and interactive computer systems .
3 FIG. 2 Results of gel retardation assays using several of the mutant MetJ repressors .
4 Such as global warming — and the West using less of the oil that the Gulf crisis is actually all about .
5 Coarser gauges and of course knitting some of the more specialist yarns like Channel which in particular .
6 I am confident that we will deliver projects and programmes using all of the city 's assets to do just that .
7 Here are four products representing some of the most exciting recent advances in TV and Video technology … the elegant Ferguson 51K4 TV and Ferguson FV37H Video , the portable Ferguson 41H3 and the giant screen Ferguson 68K4 .
8 Then arrange the raw scallops , quartered , on a bed of lettuce and make the walnut vinaigrette using some of the lemon juice and a mixture of walnut oil and a non-scented oil such as a groundnut .
9 Continue every 25 cm around the edge of the ring using each of the different fabrics in turn ( illustration 4 ) .
10 It now appears the lawyer representing some of the drug cartel 's ‘ extraditables ’ once headed the Justice Department 's extradition division .
11 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
12 ‘ It was Phil Aldrich , ’ replied Stratton quietly , his eyes searching those of the two policemen with a look of puzzlement — and perhaps of betrayal , too .
13 In view of the legal uncertainty surrounding many of the terms which are likely to be included , that may be a dangerous course ; it may also damage the business 's commercial standing .
14 Bingham does not question this opinion but indicates that more explanation about the uncertainty surrounding some of the loans would have been helpful .
15 There is considerable controversy about the process of incineration , largely because , if incinerators are not working at the most efficient temperatures , the emissions may include small amounts of dioxins , a group of compounds containing some of the most dangerous pollutants .
16 A court should now consider the effect of the provocation on ‘ a person having the power of self-control to be expected of an ordinary person of the sex and age of the accused , but in other respects sharing such of the accused 's characteristics as they think would affect the gravity of the provocation to him ’ .
17 The swimming was n't very good ; the whole place stank of sardines , and the noble castle turned out to be a youth hostel ; also there was a forty-mile-an-hour gale blowing much of the time .
18 We reach densities approaching that of the atomic nucleus , so it 's about one hundredth of a second after the start that there is a real threshold .
19 They see secondary schools undertaking some of the work that the community-based workshops once aimed to do .
20 The ‘ named person ’ then becomes a subcontractor with the main contractor taking most of the responsibility , but with the client bearing some responsibility , for example , if the subcontractor defaults .
21 The Hippix command set includes a hundred utilities implementing most of the IEEE Posix 1003.2 and 1003.2a draft standards like the general utilities awk , the pattern-directed scanning and processing language , grep , the pattern file searcher , sh , the interactive scripting language , and vi , the text editor .
22 With a speed smacking more of the arsonist than the Girl Guide , Anya 's got a fire going .
23 Or , if he really wants to worry aloud , he recalls the time not long ago when he woke one morning to find a black man looming over him in his bedroom carrying most of the clothes from wardrobe in one hand and the family carving knife in the other .
24 ‘ The French Album ’ ( ) features an intelligently planned programme featuring some of the most delectable miniatures ever penned .
25 Although no details of the agreement have been released , Acquavella told The Art Newspaper that it was an exclusive , world-wide deal covering all of the artist 's oil paintings .
26 The plates realigned and subduction resumed , sparking volcanic activity which spewed forth the granite rock covering much of the Sierras .
27 With jetlag causing most of the tourists to complain of two sleepless nights since landing on the sub-continent , Gooch 's manager and mentor Keith Fletcher was quick to offer an excuse .
28 The public housing sector is well on the way to becoming an unambiguously residual , second class form of housing provision serving some of the poorest sections of the population .
29 Bring a breath of country air into your home using some of the traditional pot pourri , herb and spice preparations from Gail Duff 's fascinating book .
30 Small group work is ideal for investigative work using any of the four paradigms of software seen above .
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