Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before the storm broke he fell into a sleep so peaceful and deep that he heard nothing of the thunder crashing overhead or of the rush of waters as the lake filled and spread and crept and grew like a living thing .
2 While he retained his criticisms of rationality , Foucault substituted the idea of an otherness at work within reason for that of a repressed alterity existing outside or beyond it .
3 This effect was greater for subjects reading aloud than for silent reading and larger again for subjects who were led to expect a test on what they had read .
4 The remaining schemes were developed either on an LEA-wide basis or by schools working individually or in groups of six to eight .
5 With warring factions firing across and around the airport , the dangers were all too real .
6 Soon after , the children heard Ruth call a taxi , then there was the sound of feet going outside and down the steps .
7 Rescuers digging slowly and in silence could see bodies but could not reach them .
8 In the words of Dunlop ( 1958 : 20 ) , the technological context of ‘ railroads has many distinctive features affecting the relations of managers and workers : the train operating divisions use small crews working together and in movement far from close and immediate supervision ; complex and expensive equipment is utilized with a high ratio of capital to worker ; … the costs of accidents can be consequential ; the hours of operations for equipment may be around the clock , and they do not conform to normal factory schedules … ’ .
9 Body hair growing untidily or in odd places can be removed by waxing in a salon , if you ca n't reach it .
10 From this formulation change in society will flow , not from the autonomous actions of individuals acting subjectively but from fundamental and objective changes in the economic base of society .
11 The back fist unrolls from the shoulder , propelled as much by the body turning away as by the arm action itself .
12 The psychological basis of Hitler 's popularity as a national leader standing above and outside of the troubles of everyday life , was , however , not substantially affected by these material concerns .
13 Eyes bright with tears , she looked at Mary , and then saw Rory standing behind and to one side of them .
14 The agreed ratio will reflect a number of considerations , such as : ( a ) the age and experience of each partner ; ( b ) the amount of time a partner is required to devote to the firm ; ( c ) the nature of each partner 's work ( legal aid or private , fee earning only or including a generous proportion of remuneration for office and appointments held ) ; ( d ) the extent to which the profits of separate departments within the firm differ substantially from one another ; ( e ) whether the firm 's policy tends to equality of reward ( and equality would be imposed under the Partnership Act in the absence of some other agreed ratio ) or whether , for example , it attempts to relate profit shares to salaries in comparable employments .
15 and then the next day I was in that shop working away and on my life this was
16 The financial forecasts do not assume that such funds will be available , but reflect the position as it is expected to be on the basis of reasonably firm government funding projections , with Management Studies developing slowly and with no major physical developments other than those funded by outside sources .
17 He left for Birmingham ahead of the team for a managers meeting yesterday and with coach Jens will be working hard to get the best out of the team against Iceland and against the Czech Republic on Thursday and the USA on Friday .
18 In the crudest forms , the informant is reduced to that which he or she says , and the idea of the anthropologist going beyond or against that particular limited form of expression is considered suspicious , though this attitude is unusual .
19 It takes the form of a long skyline-ridge linking five distinct summits , the whole rising abruptly and in complete isolation from a flat moorland .
20 That company is having difficulties exporting overseas because of the sluggishness of other economies — it does not sell its products in this country .
21 The Government still believes that nuclear power is the energy of the future that will keep the lights shining brightly and at low cost .
22 ( 3 ) As against a person dealing otherwise than as consumer , that liability can be excluded or restricted by reference to such a term , but only in so far as the term satisfies the requirement of reasonableness .
23 There has been a balance Chair , and , and hence the fact that we 've knocked it off as an efficiency saving rather than as a reduction in service .
24 Point out that in the case of a married couple or a permanent relationship ( especially between a man and woman living together and with the possibility of children , planned or unexpected ) , the joint tenancy is the surest guarantee that on the death of either there will at least be a roof over the heads of the surviving family , particularly if there is to be a mortgage supported by a life endowment policy .
25 We were n't charged anything for the food , so we were there as guests , although everybody else was working but we was given the most comfortable er room to stay , so it , there were quite a few people living there because of this reason , that er people coming from outside looking for a job , they would automatically er obtain the accommodation without being charged for it .
26 Mine takes place in my flat , all over the living-room carpet , with maps spread out like prayer mats and cats lying triumphantly and with great precision on the co-ordinates that are of particular interest .
27 One of the doctors managed to get the laundry going again and in a few days the hospital was evacuated to a small country town .
28 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
29 LIMA — Peru is to propose the expulsion of Panama from the so-called group of Eight at the third summit of Latin American presidents beginning today because of the refusal of its military dictator , General Antonio Noriega , to institute democracy , writes Simon Strong .
30 The Labour government laid its emphasis upon local authority housing rather than on private building for sale .
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