Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He could feel his heart thudding furiously and hoped desperately that he 'd succeeded in making his voice sound casual .
2 Others have suggested that there were paired nasal sacs opening separately and gave rise to the theory that heterostracans might be ancestral to jawed vertebrates ( Fig. 2 B , b ) .
3 She turned , eyes flashing flirtatiously and pushed back his hair from his forehead .
4 I am able to respond to their emergent writing honestly and give it significance in the drama .
5 Beyond him rode the Lombard brothers grinning broadly and enjoying themselves .
6 I get to the fence leading downhill and follow it , stumbling now and again on the rocks and stones left at the side of the field ; my eyes are still adjusting to the darkness .
7 There was a solid line of cars all the way back to it , drivers peering ahead or craning their heads out of the window .
8 Mansell locked his brakes up and span off , his car turning backwards and colliding into the wall at about 75mph in a cloud of debris which included his right front wheel .
9 I enclose cheque/money order for £50 per person deposit ( plus £13 insurance if required ) , payable to Horse Racing Abroad and crossed ( do not send cash ) .
10 Head large , with large eyes facing forwards and set in a flattened facial disc , whose feathers usually conceal the short hooked bill .
11 If a dual carriageway is built the fields will be just concrete and we 'll lie awake listening to cars zooming past and seeing flashing lights .
12 Does not the proactivity need to be politicians of all parties coming together and discussing and listening to each other rather than simply making pronouncements ?
13 Stuck on a Northern Line train between Tooting Beck and Balham , a gaggle of lads running amok and jeering with lighted fags .
14 on ends , so he took the two ends off , cleaned the rails and he was sat on settee watching telly rubbing away and rubbing away and I says hey you gon na put them ends back on ?
15 She says a massage will help loosen you up and get the blood flowing normally and warm up those aching muscles .
16 Pictish symbol stones are not merely raw chunks of rock standing upright or propped across burial mounds .
17 To prevent hens laying outdoors and roosting in the trees , the report suggests that the birds be kept in their housing until mid-morning , and be presented with a main feed in-house in the evening before being shut in for the night .
18 Then I saw a light aircraft orbiting overhead and started waving to it , but he disappeared and I did n't know if he 'd seen me .
19 Thus , the Act has no effect in the internal workings of children 's hearings : there is no question of ‘ rehabilitation ’ as that term is understood in the Act applying so as to prevent a later children 's hearing exploring the circumstances of an earlier offence or hearing or disposal .
20 The little Bath wizard kept England B driving forward and changed a 5–8 half-time deficit into an 11–8 lead with two penalties early in the second period .
21 H e most often appears as a ghostly mosquito who will suck the blood of any white child living nearby and use this life-force to resurrect the dead .
22 When this is done , the combination of the lift loss and the extra drag result in the glider sinking gently and touching down almost immediately .
23 And then me picking up the keys living here and taking it down the road !
24 Black youth , then , assumes symbolic importance by being equated with the inability of the police to maintain public order , a feature which encourages law breaking elsewhere and reinforces the phenomenon of urban decay .
25 All we know of Henry Hanna comes from Leland , and he never mentions Hanna teaching anywhere or acquiring any eminence , and there is no medieval evidence for his school .
26 Hold the pattern sheet ( clipped into the pattern sleeve ) with the arrow pointing downwards and slide it into the slot at the top of the console .
27 The wet and windy conditions prevailing were not conducive to good hockey , with the visitors adapting better and taking both points in a creditable 2–1 win .
28 It had become an older , slower , more exacting entertainment , if indeed it was still entertainment of any sort : no longer Mission Impossible but , as Senator Warren Rudman put it , ‘ like sitting on a winter night in New Hampshire with a blizzard raging outside and reading a Robert Ludlum novel ’ .
29 In recent years the habit of the All Blacks leaving together and returning together after a trip to Europe has disappeared .
30 However , even a child leaving home or starting school can be a trauma for some women .
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