Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] that she have " in BNC.

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1 Is the little dark-eyed doe implying that she has n't been haunted , since the moment of their first encounter , with images of our fascinating , leather-jacketed heroine ?
2 And Anjelica Huston returned to her own home saying that she had been humiliated for the very last time .
3 And in Amabel 's experience it had always been the wife who complained of it , Ethel Lord , for instance , fretting herself into a decline , or very nearly , when her husband had taken to spending so much time in Leeds ; Maria Colclough turning to religion because her man emerged so rarely from his counting house ; even strident Lizzie Braithwaite complaining that she had been neglected for the sake of the business .
4 Under present law , whether a man administers a threat or not , he can be liable for rape if he has sexual intercourse with a woman knowing that she has submitted out of fear .
5 Although the poem is conventional in several respects , it ends critically , not with the shepherdess cheered up by a song or by the sight of another attractive shepherd , but with Daphne recognizing that she has been gullible about her young man .
6 On May 23 she issued a statement announcing that she had declined to accept the party presidency .
7 Miss Tucker had made a statement to the police admitting that she had hit the alleged victim , Mr. Reiche , with a baseball bat .
8 Having driven herself to meet Travis to obviate Naylor Massingham knowing that she had n't heeded his ‘ … in your interests not to see him again' warning , Leith discovered that she need not have bothered .
9 ‘ The first time she went out in it she came back into the house giggling that she 'd driven through town with the top down , even though it was freezing .
10 She was clearly terrified of her family discovering that she had written to me .
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