Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well the answer is yes but of course landing and taking off on a road is one thing , being able to operate is another one because clearly one needs er fuel , weapons , ground crew and the like but landing on a road in itself is is not difficult .
2 A wire ‘ balloon ’ should be fitted into the top of each downpipe to prevent birds nesting and to keep out leaves and other debris .
3 ‘ Oh , indeed , ’ riposted Sally-Anne , eyes flashing and giving off all the danger signs which her family would have recognised .
4 We get people on the programme singing and dancing so badly it 's painful , but they come back the next week and tell us that everyone 's stopping them in the streets to congratulate them , not slag them off . ’
5 Leisure activities still take place here although they are more likely to be water skiing , wind surfing and sailing rather than bathing .
6 His idea of a day out was to be driven to Heathrow , to watch the aircraft landing and taking off .
7 Even the ‘ Harvey Wallbanger ’ was n't going to try going through that lot and Danny 's truck pulled up with its brakes squealing and hissing furiously .
8 I felt my eyes closing and picked up the paper to hide behind .
9 Leeds and Liverpool supporters drinking and singing together ( are you watching Manchester ? ) , unbelievable !
10 Example 4:4 Turnover rent YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days : ( 1 ) the annual sum of £ ( " the basic rent " ) ; and ( 2 ) such sum as is calculated in accordance with the Schedule hereto ( " the turnover rent " ) SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " gross turnover " means the aggregate of all sums : ( i ) received by the tenant in return for goods supplied or services rendered in the course of any trade or business carried on by him in the demised property or partly in the demised property and partly elsewhere ; and ( ii ) payable to the tenant by any person in consideration of the use or occupation of the whole or any part of the demised property ( b ) " a rental year " means a period of twelve calendar months beginning on ( c ) " net turnover " means the gross turnover less : ( i ) any sum actually paid by the tenant to HM Commissioners of Customs and Excise by way of VAT or other tax chargeable on the supply of goods or services ; ( ii ) any sum refunded by the tenant to his customers in respect of defective or unsatisfactory goods or services ; ( iii ) per cent of any sums received by the tenant in return for services for which orders are received at the demised property but are performed wholly elsewhere ( d ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( 2 ) The turnover rent for a rental year shall be : ( a ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ and ( b ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ ( 3 ) Within one month after the beginning of each rental year ( time being of the essence ) the tenant shall deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant of the tenant 's gross turnover and net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year .
11 The three resulting duplex DNA molecules were separately subjected to reaction conditions that lead to covalent DNA / protein crosslinking as demonstrated above .
12 The City Fire Inspectors later concluded that the fire was caused by a " freak focus " , due to the rising sun catching and reflecting off one of my holographic magnifying mirrors .
13 WITH the ice cracking and groaning underfoot and the wind etching their faces , Robert Swan stood at the North Pole and turned to the woman for whom he had just walked to the end of the earth .
14 He thumped and jumped about the house , or would lie and watch television with his hands and feet tapping and banging away constantly .
15 Another witness Mrs Angela Higgins said she saw the defendants shouting and behaving stupidly .
16 But as we know that MI5 taps telephones and keeps files on people simply to pass on political information to the government , one can assume that Kinnock 's call to Turnbull is not the only piece of politicised telephone tapping that goes on .
17 But when he caught up with Chuck , who had at last relented and allowed his breathless coolie to slow to a trot , he found the older boy grinning and lolling casually in his seat , obviously suffering no such pangs of conscience .
18 The next day , Beaverbrook ( who , with Amery , had been among those who had helped bring down the Lloyd George coalition in 1922 ) ‘ strongly urged ’ Amery ‘ to work closely with Hailsham both to keep the positive campaign going and decide when the critical moment should come for putting an end to the Coalition ’ .
19 No I , I was just sort of erm A wondering and B wondering whether to go back a different way round and
20 Get those blue suede shoes moving and get down there fast , we told reporter Aileen Taylor .
21 In Europe we have one major set of structures , from Precambrian to Recent , which relate first to plates splitting and colliding approximately along the Atlantic line and to the later sea-floor spreading that produced that ocean as we see it today .
22 In the superficially simpler terms of plate tectonics , these are the repeated effects of plates splitting and coming together .
23 You learn that the stiffened corpse contracts as the flames take hold , hands and feet lifting and drawing inwards .
24 NOW we have sent the Calibans grimacing and snarling back to their caves for a further spell , perhaps nice Mr Major will address himself to a problem with which we did not like to trouble him during the election .
25 ‘ I have no doubt , ’ comments Stewart , ‘ that one or two of those medical symptoms are genuine ; but the main problem for these youngsters collapsing and feeling very ill is just plain exhaustion , or to put it in simple mountaineering jargon — physically knackered . ’
26 By September 1990 , five countries — Mexico , the Philippines , Morocco [ see p. 37393 ] , Costa Rica [ see p. 37450 ] and Venezuela [ see p. 37313 ] — had secured debt-reduction agreements under the terms of the Brady plan , with Chile and Uruguay [ see pp. 37490 ; 37607 respectively ] among countries retiring or buying back considerable portions of foreign debt on the secondary debt market .
27 When the attack ceased they managed to cannibalize parts to get one truck going and set off for the rendezvous with Fraser , only to find nobody there .
28 Soft materials , like fibreboards and soft furnishings , also do n't respond , and so prevent sound reflecting or bouncing back off them , as it would from a hard surface like a mirror .
29 Eight individuals living and working together in the confines of a ninety feet steel hull for three months and still parting as friends at the end of the trip says a lot for compatibility of the cutter crews .
30 The ideas pushing and tumbling out in a fever of words that were scarcely intelligible .
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