Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] we have [det] " in BNC.

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1 What guarantee do we have that , when we have to converge with , for example , the Greeks , Portuguese and Italians , the money transferred from our pockets to theirs will not merely impoverish us and give money to those who have not earned it while we have to work harder for less and pay higher interest rates ?
2 What evidence do we have that the alien means us no harm ?
3 ‘ Once these countries have actually made substantial investments in a chemical arsenal , what guarantees do we have that they will eventually be willing to throw it away ? ’ asked Elisa Harris , a chemical weapons at the Brookings Institution .
4 What guarantees do we have that some of that imported coal is not part of the German coal laundered in Rotterdam with coal from other countries ?
5 The Toraja believe we have many layers of spirits , or astral bodies , which at death must detach themselves like the skins of an onion so each may find its proper place .
6 If this , if this erm essential amino acid is found in all protein what foods do we have that have got protein in ?
7 The new pans mean we have fewer chips ready more often . ’
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