Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] i [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I liked that picture so Marie let me cut it out and stick it on the wall .
2 ‘ Not at all , ’ said Sally-Anne , ‘ and before you plead for me with Matey let me tell you that you will have your tea salted and your eggs sugared every breakfast if you do any such thing .
3 No you wo n't want a copy of that photograph let me tell you .
4 Alejandro tell me shoot her if pain get too bad .
5 And although Nat Solomon , Tottenham 's financial expert mm wait a minute was here in Rome yesterday attempting to save the Gazza deal I understand it is off .
6 It will contain one of the finest and openest quadrangles in this country ; its details will be more than ordinarily lively and cheerful ; its amount of window light will exceed that of , probably , any public building in this country ; its construction will embody every modern improvement , invention , and appliance ; its materials will be the most perfect which long and earnest study enable me to render them , while its cost will not in the least exceed what is customary with public buildings in the usual style .
7 This will be the first time Bamert has conducted the work — ‘ the RSNO think I suggested it , and I think they did ’ — exactly ten years to the month since he made his debut with the then Scottish National Orchestra .
8 my witness do I hurt you and they all said no .
9 For the present let me put it on record that the main hold-up has been with me , in setting up the Journal for printing .
10 Well it is a prison sentence let me tell you
11 Before you reach for your collecting tins let me say they develop a good wheeze of taking in gullible Western guests and faking a few midnight tiger sightings with the aid of a collection of clockwork beasts and some carefully concealed tapes .
12 In the February issue I warned you that I was going to bite the bullet and buy a real computer .
13 I still have that room booked out to other folk like I told you . ’
14 Not for a moment do I want you to believe unthinkingly in what I say .
15 Polycarp , the second-century Christian leader in Smyrna , faced a hostile mob and quietly refused to go back on his faith in Christ : ‘ Eighty and six years have I served him , and he hath done me no wrong ; how then can I blaspheme my King who saved me ? ’
16 Mr have I got it right that you er do all the estimates for the management the budgets ?
17 ‘ But dinna let me persuade you with a lot of sentimental drivel . ’
18 This county pays for a full time union official this is extravagant , one full timer for five hundred members , that is way over the top let me tell you .
19 In fact , as things stand I see it as the only course for you to take …
20 I do have slight vegetarian principles like I think it 's disgusting to use animals for luxury things like cosmetics or fur coats but food is a different matter ’ .
21 ‘ If I tell you , what guarantee do I have you wo n't blow the gaff to Dysart anyway ? ’
22 ‘ How in heaven 's name do I know I do n't like Beethoven , when I ca n't remember my own name ? ’
23 Then he fell silent , as if he was thinking of some way to turn this promise into a purpose , and he added , in the barest of trembled whispers , ‘ As I am an eagle of Wrath do I promise it .
24 I lost him twice , buried up to his head help me help me
25 This day have I begotten thee .
26 People say I kicked him in the head but there is no way I would do that . ’
27 Erm to give you an example let me show you this brochure here this is Page and Moy high prices and clearly that is aimed at A and B.
28 As the Darlington boxer went back to his corner after his national schools championships intermediate 45kg final at Derby on Saturday against Middlesex 's Reg Robshaw , he muttered : ‘ Please God let me win it . ’
29 It depends where you are a wait a minute Well of course if you 've some Chinese outfit look I mean you would know all this would n't you ?
30 Neither do you 'ave to pay a hundred quid like I 'eard it cost at one time . ’
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