Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [vb pp] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 This happens to be a good strategy for a side with material superiors , and computers have won quite a lot of games with this strategy .
2 J. Sainsbury , Britain 's biggest food retailer argues that discount shops have received only a temporary boost from the recession .
3 No I bought my dining room suite , this Ercol dining room suite in there , I 've still got it , yeah that was a long Oh yeah the shops have changed quite a lot in the The Stow have n't they ?
4 With Norm 's demise , America 's beer-drinkers have lost both a role-model and a soulmate ; but , as it happens , the week also brought them good news .
5 Michael Attenborough of Hodder commented : ‘ For any publisher , losing an author all of whose books have sold over a million copies in their UK editions — and I have no doubt that As the Crow Flies will join them soon — is very regrettable .
6 Although the past few months have seen quite a number of problems for European unity , one area that remains firmly fixed is the demolition of trade barriers in 1993 .
7 Since they first began holding hands , Microsoft and IBM have shared barely a care .
8 However , there are differences between Type I and 2 diabetes : HDL levels are generally either normal or low in Type 2 diabetes ( Lopes-Virella et al , 1977 ; Kennedy et al , 1978 ; Reckless et al , 1978 ; Taylor et al , 1981 ; Rendel et al , 1982 ) : Studies on the subfractions have shown either an increase in the level of the HDL 3 subfraction ( Durrington , 1982 ) , or a reduction in HDL 2 .
9 I think Derbyshire have done quite a big thing and had some publicity for theirs .
10 There is often an upper age limit set for policyholders , although , in recent years the insurance companies have extended upwards a little .
11 But John King has stuck to his principles and Rovers have strung together an impressive home record .
12 Now , ambulance crews have put together a video of some accidents which they 'll be showing to young drivers .
13 Contrary to your impression matters have moved forward a considerable way in relation to the Church Road stop .
14 Nature conservationists have put together an otter 's holt made from logs .
15 Conservationists have put together an otter 's holt , and one of the creatures has given the residence her own ’ paw-print ’ of approval
16 Some short-term studies of the diabetic diet have shown either a reduction of HDL cholesterol ( Rivellese et al , 1980 ; Simpson et al , 1981 ) , no effect ( Dodson et al , 1984 ) or significant elevations ( Dodson et al , 1981 b ) .
17 The past 30 years have witnessed both an escalation of the arms race between NATO and the Warsaw Pact and a proliferating membership of the nuclear weapons club .
18 The last few years have seen quite a shake up in the leasing market .
19 Aids have claimed quite a few victims now
20 The investigators have put forward a theory suggesting that the gross organisation of human action is carried out by different parts of the mind from the fine detailed planning and control of behaviour , and that it is governed by emotional factors to a much greater extent than people had realised .
21 In the shadow of that history there is all the more to appreciate about the way progressive movements in our time have turned things around , and begun positively to identify the difference of the other : ‘ the emphasis on discontinuity , the celebration of difference and heterogeneity , and the assertion of plurality as opposed to reductive unities — these ideas have animated almost an entire generation of literary and cultural critics ’ ( Mohanty , ‘ Us and Them ’ , 56 — 7 ) .
22 In an effort to salvage the protocol , other delegates have put together a counterproposal requiring any country that decided to mine under the terms the US proposed to withdraw from the entire environmental protocol and not just the mining clause .
23 Of course , the historical analogy is not a completely valid one , for history only concerns the interactions within a single species during a few thousand years , in connection with which geological and climatological changes have played only a minor role ( as in the extinction of Carthage and of the Viking settlements in Greenland ) .
24 Roberts ' prints have become almost a cliché , corrupted by overuse , representative of both a cause and a dream .
25 First , a return to viewing the landscape in totality , rather than the sum of its component parts , and second , a much greater emphasis on the preferences of the general public , rather than professional people , even though some studies have shown quite a good correlation between the two ( Preece , 1980 ) .
26 But I think those days are now over and anybody who 's been in building societies , there 's now a feeling er that things have altered quite a long way .
27 I can see from what you 've just told me that things have changed rather a lot in fifty years .
28 Right so at the point we broke off , you were saying about things that things have changed quite a lot .
29 not , not very easily because there 's different things apply to different courses like some things have got quite a lot of sort of documentation and handout materials some things
30 Funds have been allocated to facilitate workplace reform and the unions in Western Australia have put forward a job redesign package as part of their current wage discussions .
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