Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [pers pn] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the researchers expect it to be another 10 years before devices using the technology can come to market .
2 As far as the make-up of the commission is concerned , the Russians want it to be composed of professionals and specialists , while the Germans believe that it should above all have a strong political element ’ .
3 Section 17 says that property in specific goods passes to the buyer at such time as the parties intend it to be transferred .
4 The practice of law is not what you want it to be , it is what your clients want it to be .
5 That control will include switching off heat and lights in unoccupied rooms , regulating heating systems to precise comfort control levels and running air conditioning only when the air sensors show it to be necessary .
6 Gregory Woods 's remark , quoted at the beginning of this article , suggests , in a rather deliriously utopian , post-Barthes kind of way , that any text can be opened up to a gay interpretation if gay readers decide it to be appropriate — authorial intention is here surrendered in favour of a sort of subcultural authorship , a collective ‘ special thrill ’ , a method of analysis based on a recognition of shared structures of feeling .
7 The postcode to Enumeration District directory and the digitised boundary data enable it to be mapped and compared with data compiled on a different geographical basis , an aid which has not been available for censuses prior to 1981 .
8 The legs are oleo-pneumatic ; small Schrader-type valves enable them to be kept to the correct pressure .
9 For the Spirit 's work in assurance is to give us a firm foundation to build on , not to make us arrogant ; the ‘ already ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Spirit 's internal witness enable us to be sure without being cocksure .
10 ‘ Let the burning of these books remind us to be everlastingly on our guard against Imperialism and War . ’
11 If you were going to say a travel industry case study and insurance industry prefer it to be quite practical .
12 They recorded one album , and bootlegs reveal it to be a rough but fascinating affair , veering wildly between respectful renditions of traditional classics and slightly embarrassing Beatles pastiches .
13 Well er I mean well things like communal ownership advocate them to be reforms
14 But his parents want him to be taught with normal children .
15 Yorkshire Health Authority is seeking legal clarification on the treatment of a victim of the Hillsborough disaster who has been in a coma for three years , he will never recover and his parents want him to be allowed to die .
16 Yorkshire Health Authority is seeking legal clarification on the treatment of a victim of the Hillsborough disaster who has been in a coma for three years , he will never recover and his parents want him to be allowed to die .
17 Most diverting is Artegall 's encounter with the Amazon Radigund whose sexual allurements cause him to be captured and emasculated by being dressed in woman 's clothes and forced to spin .
18 Despite this many bankers consider it to be more important than the aforementioned economic factors .
19 Wind shielding : the burner design gives the flame good protection and the case lid 's stiff hinges allow it to be propped upright giving some extra protection ( assuming the pot does not get in the way ) .
20 The preferable position , I 've got to say is the position two , unless the circumstances allow you to be in position one .
21 This close liaison with the NID was obviously liable to be misunderstood within the ranks of the BDDA so that is not surprising to find the BDDA 's annual report for 1925 explaining that : The executive committee wish it to be clearly understood that the NID is not antagonistic but rather complementary to our own Association .
22 Thus it has been shown that with professional pre-planning and management , exhibitions can be a powerful sales tool and not the expensive luxury that many companies regard them to be .
23 If that is not the case , then the returns owing to the investors simply accumulate until circumstances permit them to be paid .
24 The car number plates proclaim it to be ‘ the American Paradise ’ .
25 They have been chosen for the posts in other parts of the country because their employers consider them to be the best people for these particular jobs .
26 Plus ça change : in the 1990s these words ( apart from their dated gender references ) remain as relevant and as enlightening as in the 1970s and at the beginning of the century : the problem of poverty is the condition of the normal man [ and woman ] in normal circumstances , neither better nor worse off than his [ or her ] neighbours , not of those whose failings qualify them to be the text for the moralist , and who are no more common in the manual working-classes than in other sections of the society .
27 The English Catholics want me to be Queen of England , not her .
28 Or he occasionally buys a er a shirt with a a fine stripe in it , but he says the continentals expect you to be wearing a white shirt .
29 Magistrates and others who have called for more secure places want them to be used to contain the activities of young offenders who are not currently kept in prison accommodation , like so-called joyriders and repetitive burglars .
30 We the local authority , I think people of Wiltshire expect us to be the lead agency in promoting sustainability and environmental , highlighting environmental issues , throughout the county .
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