Example sentences of "[noun] [det] is to be " in BNC.

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1 In her books this is to be found at its most extreme in Sara Crewe ( 1888 ) — expanded , following the stage version , as The Little Princess ( 1905 ) — a Cinderella story where a bullied little drudge at a girls ' school is restored to riches and esteem and the tyrannical headmistress humiliated .
2 The objective of the RFX experiment , a collaborative project between Italy and Britain that is to be built in Italy at Padua , is to find out directly whether the RFP can confine high-temperature plasma well enough for the configuration to form the basis of a reactor .
3 In a pluralistic society this is to be welcomed .
4 At length , at a meeting on 12 June 1949 at a sports ground in Accra , speaking to a crowd estimated at 60000 , Nkrumah announced the formation of the Convention people 's Party ( Cpp ) , to create ‘ the new Ghana that is to be ’ .
5 I tell you , after a long life of many escapes , many dramas which might have been tragedies , what I want and would value most is to be free to choose as much of my life as is given to me — to live it by my own lights , Mary , to do , insofar as God wills it , what I want to do to the very hilt and limit . ’
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