Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 But any additives in the pepperoni do have to be declared .
2 If word recognition is completed before the context can be used to generate a prediction , then the context would not be expected to have much of an effect upon the word , and more experienced readers do appear to be less influenced by context .
3 Scots do tend to be rather inhibited about interior design , ’ she acknowledges .
4 As it happens , cases have been reported recently in which animals do seem to be able to recognize their relatives as such , but that is another story .
5 Recruits come expecting to be learners and find that they are labourers . "
6 I think that that trend is , on the whole , a fairly healthy one , and it 's meant the schools have begun to be far more conscious about their responsibilities , not just in general , but , but about particular responsibilities , erm responsibilities such as erm dealing more effectively with handicapped pupils , dealing with ethnic minorities and so on , again erm issues which other people in the series will be talking about .
7 In a few instances the height difference between the route and the surrounding ground has meant that steps have had to be installed .
8 In a few instances the height difference between the route and the surrounding ground has meant that steps have had to be installed .
9 You are aware Miss that any persons working in that department have got to be of age ?
10 You are aware Miss that any persons working in that department have got to be of age ?
11 The WRAC recruits have proved to be excellent shots and many of the scores achieved would be the envy of their male counterparts .
12 Trade unions have been far more suspicious of serious historical enquiry than their business counterparts , and investigations into particular disputes have tended to be within pre-determined sets of assumptions about the relationship between so-called labour and capital [ Beynon , 1984 ] .
13 Furthermore the structures of the lexical entries have tended to be proprietary to the system making it impossible to exchange lexicons between systems .
14 As a result , village shops have tended to be replaced by supermarkets or shopping centres in nearby towns ( Harman 1978 ) .
15 Correlations with the C-reactive protein and serum alpha-1 acid glycoprotein which some authors have claimed to be the most reliable laboratory indicators of activity are further illustrated in Figures 5 and 6 .
16 These methods have proved to be very effective in policy design .
17 Such express declarations have come to be known as Living Wills , and have received much attention in the United States and elsewhere .
18 Until now period performances have tended to be abrasive and to whizz through the slow movements , making even the sublime Largo of the Double Concerto into a trivial siciliana .
19 Not even all Conservative politicians were happy with the implications of the notion of compulsory sales , particularly as they might affect rural areas , and certain safeguards have had to be incorporated .
20 Ethologists graduating to human beings from animals have tended to be ‘ splitters ’ .
21 The consumer goods that engineers make tend to be the kind of things that people buy when they move house , like cookers and fridges .
22 The noise fifteen excited youngsters make has to be heard to be believed .
23 Those students who take Celtic through to honours level tend to be aiming for a Gaelic-related job ( eg in journalism or broadcasting , Government agencies , local government or teaching ) ; but a typical first-year class also includes many who simply have an interest in Scotland 's languages or heritage .
24 The people of Northern Ireland continue to need to be congratulated on their determination and resilience .
25 Placards do seem to be in vogue at the moment : there is a pastiche of Bob Dylan 's ‘ Subterranean Homesick Blues ’ lyrics-on-cards promo film in Bob Roberts and super photographer Steven Meisel used slogans on white cards in a recent celebrity shoot for Italian Vogue .
26 And it is better so , because all these value concerns do need to be pursued within other disciplines as within RE .
27 All job descriptions have got to be done not later than the twenty ninth of June .
28 The items I have found on such sites have proved to be of great interest , and I have been logging them down very carefully .
29 Under Franco , they used to be distributed among representatives of the different political groups that made up the regime 's base of support ; under democracy , incumbents in such posts have tended to be replaced with each change of government .
30 In the past few years two academic posts have had to be frozen to keep the photographic collection and library funded .
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