Example sentences of "[noun] [det] [noun sg] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In one of those announcements that trigger a double take in observers who find it hard to believe the function had not been available for years , IBM Corp this week finally added Ethernet support for the 3174 cluster controller , long after most users must have given up on the idea and made other arrangements .
2 The feeling of vague unease he had felt when the Sweeper had visited the Cages that evening now returned sharply , almost painfully , multiplied a hundred times .
3 While in the longer run this practice perhaps strengthened the High Authority in its relations with the member governments , the caution it induced in the High Authority , along with the ambiguity of the treaty , made for some slow progress .
4 She never explained the means by which this journey had been made , though Jarvis some time later overheard a conversation about suicide , his mother referring to her ‘ poor father ’ , and put two and two together .
5 Over the last three years she 's developed a hardness that Mother never had .
6 Dealers said both institutional fund managers and private client investors — having seen the latest opinion poll results pointing a much closer finish to the election than previously expected — decided that the potential gains following a surprise Tory victory this morning actually outweighed the risks associated with the formation of a Labour government .
7 Mr Clinton this week temporarily abandoned his cosy , common touch and wrapped himself in the full trappings of the presidency .
8 When Cooper lobbied government to get rid of him it persuaded M.P.s that Cooper just had a bee in bonnet and was not to be taken seriously .
9 No two coalfields were the same , but if a general pattern can be discerned from the variety of experience it is that during the first half of the nineteenth century each region largely generated its own workforce from the natural increase of its population , but that the spectacular later developments drew not only upon local men who left the farms or rural crafts and industries in large numbers but also upon the surplus population of counties from all over the British Isles .
10 Rather than ending the discussion this decision merely began a period of three years during which the issue of " Unity " was rarely off the agendas of local Labour parties , trade unions and other sections of the labour movement .
11 Well we went in to Asda this morning when did we go in , ? we could n't get into and it was empty .
12 The use of the microphone by some students this year undoubtedly helped those students who lacked confidence in their ability to project their voices , and it is suggested that more students should try using the sound system to gain experience for the future .
13 Indeed it was at this time that scientism really began to become important , not only in Britain but throughout western Europe , the USA , Russia and Japan .
14 It seemed to Alice that Jasper hardly saw her as he went off .
15 Anti-aircraft gun He said the car used in the shooting of three RUC constables some time ago had been stolen in his constituency , and a lorry used in ramming a British Army checkpoint was also stolen in the area .
16 We have lost the man who I looked up to and the greatest British droll comedian this country ever had .
17 In fact this correspondent initially wrote to the children soon after they were taken to mainland Scotland .
18 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
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