Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] from [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A number of hackers ' wives have now joined other grass widows parted from their husbands by golf or similar obsessional activities .
2 Muffled bleats and strangled gurgles leaked from my lips .
3 Pauline Paul was confined to a wheelchair as calcium drained from her bones .
4 He cited 2,700 FIS supporters dismissed from their jobs since June and said that FIS political prisoners were still being held in a number of towns .
5 ‘ I want to make love to you till your body is drugged with sensations , every nerve-ending alive , limbs warm and aching , mouth swollen from my kisses and your eyes a deep , dark purple .
6 This is of particular significance in understanding how , as a plantation system , the industry developed from its beginnings in the coffee era of the mid-19th century and how , today , the industry faces a number of crucial choices as to its future survival as a nationalised undertaking .
7 There are terrible stories of how men have had their eyes torn from their sockets , or their tongue ripped from the roots by the sidh .
8 Fenella and Caspar could see this clearly ; they could see that some of the Tree Spirits were still breathing , shallowly and painfully , their strange , wise faces shuttered and suffering , their branches torn from their bodies and great , gaping wounds still bleeding .
9 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
10 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
11 This boat was called Dream Baby , and she was clearly an expensive infant for rods and whip-aerials and outriggers splayed from her upperworks like the antennae of some outlandish insect .
12 Light splayed from his glasses as he looked up , glasses that brought into the room high-scudding clouds and an airy scrawl of branches .
13 It was hard to be torn up by the roots , to have his books , easels , prints and materials of study dragged from their places .
14 POSC has established common data and access ( SQL-based ) models for developers and suppliers to incorporate in their solutions derived from its members ' data processing requirements POSC says the models will allow different departments within an organisation to share applications and data .
15 Traders displaced from their pitches on the High Street will set up their stalls in adjoining Dovecot Street .
16 The Association benefited from their endeavours in 1989 by a valuable contribution of £135,000 .
17 For a second the wind was blocked and the weight taken from my hands , only to come crashing back in double measure .
18 Daylight like a fine fan spread from my hands Daylight like scarlet poinsettias Daylight like yellow cassia flowers Daylight like clean water Daylight like green cacti Daylight like sea sparkling with white horses Daylight like tropic hills Daylight like a sacrament in my hands Amen .
19 As blood poured from her wounds , she radioed to colleagues : ‘ Delta Romeo Three Two , am being stabbed , in pursuit . ’
20 Several inches of intricately patterned knitting hung from her needles , she saw with satisfaction , almost as if her fingers had worked independently while she listened .
21 What guarantee do we have that , when we have to converge with , for example , the Greeks , Portuguese and Italians , the money transferred from our pockets to theirs will not merely impoverish us and give money to those who have not earned it while we have to work harder for less and pay higher interest rates ?
22 Black-and-white drawings could not convey even a remote impression of the emerald greenery of these wonderful hills nor the vast skyscapes and panoramic views seen from their summits .
23 They scooped gravel from the paths and carried it in apron-pouches made from their jerseys .
24 He particularly mentioned the trip to the Llangollen Railway in September 1991 , the warm welcome received from their members and the way they made the visit so interesting and informative .
25 ‘ The teachers , the social workers and the carers who deliver the services at the sharp end need the overbearing weight of the county bureaucracy lifted from their shoulders . ’
26 The blast that struck St Pierre was remarkable not only for its searing heat but also for its sheer force — masonry walls one metre thick were blown down , heavy cannon torn from their mounts , and a three-ton statue carried sixteen metres .
27 Beyond the windows , tropical trees and shrubs that bore guava , papaw , mangosteen and pomegranate sprouted in profusion from the moist earth of a walled garden , and heaped bowls of fruits picked from their branches were clustered on the altar , along with tiny dishes of spiced meats , fish , lotus seeds , vegetables and porcelain beakers of tea and rice alcohol .
28 They said that if the expert departed from his instructions in a material respect , eg where he was called on to value shares in a company and he valued the wrong number of shares or shares in the wrong company , that would be sufficient .
29 I heard of it indirectly , and from different sources : ‘ even the telephone torn from its moorings ! ’ , ‘ chamber-pots smashed , windows smashed , doors kicked in ! ’ , ‘ things thrown about , things broken , things taken away — there was hardly a house in the village that did not get something ! ’
30 The child hung from his hands like a puppet .
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