Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] for some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Something over two hundred vacancies resulted in the immediate aftermath and a trickle of further resignations followed for some years to come .
2 The Cabinet changes predicted for some weeks were announced on May 20 .
3 The file organisation method chosen for some files could even be serial or sequential , particularly if the data is likely to be accessed in batch mode .
4 In the election campaign , the Conservatives had made much of ‘ setting the people free ’ of the planners , and of making the nationalised industries more ‘ businesslike ’ and ‘ commercial ’ , but the reality of controls remained for some years , as indeed was inevitable given the physical limits of a national cake whose size was fixed in the short term .
5 The increasing birth weight and viability by maternal age may also explain the strange phenomenon reported for some communities surveyed in the WHO collaborative studies .
6 The station closed to passengers as from December 31 , 1962 although freight services continued for some months more from Hereford to Eardisley .
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