Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] and have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To encounter a hairy elephant would be alarming ; but the dinosaurs caught and have held the imagination of us all because they seemed dragons .
2 Jimmy apologised profusely , explaining , quite logically we thought , that he had temporarily had his eyes closed and had put the car into automatic pilot .
3 To this day it is the address to which Diana has her private mail directed and has done ever since she suspected Fergie was visiting the Buckingham Palace post room in order to tell Prince Charles who was writing confidential letters to his wife .
4 The centre has implemented systems and procedures to monitor and evaluate the quality of all provision offered and has adopted effective strategies to promote the maintenance of consistent standards in all awards offered .
5 I have dome as a Hahnemann requested and have followed his instructions exactly .
6 The company apologised for the distress and embarrassment caused and had agreed to pay the princess appropriate damages and all her legal costs .
7 Eltharion accepted and has busied himself strengthening the land of Yvresse ever since .
8 Wires are colour coded and have labelled fitted plugs which slide over libelled pins on the motherboard .
9 Some lenders have already had their fingers burnt and have had to write off loans and lose their investments , rather than take on responsibility for contaminated land which was part of their security .
10 Guillem , or Guillaume de Cabestanh , or Cabestaing , or Cabestan , had loved the lady of Roussillon , Soremonde , Sermonde , or Marguerite , wife of the seigneur Raymond of Roussillon , who , in a fit of jealous rage , had the troubadour slaughtered and had served his heart to the lady in a dish .
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