Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] with an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These include a flan dish featuring the apple pie recipe and a chopping board decorated with an illustration of the Ripon Hornblower and the recipe for Wilfra tarts .
2 Hence the social positions of the university 's new class that Bourdieu describes in Homo Academicus are ‘ ill defined ’ and have their ‘ future surrounded with an aura of indeterminacy and vagueness ’ which ‘ allows students to perpetuate as long as possible … an indeterminacy of social identity ’ .
3 Fielding a side picked with an eye on the forthcoming Toulon tournament and an under-20 game with Italy next month , the Scots took the lead on the stroke of half-time .
4 Across the warm , sun-filled expanse of wilderness their eyes met with an impact that held them both motionless .
5 The number of strikes fell dramatically ; in 1981 only 4.2 million days were lost in industrial disputes compared with an average 13 million per year throughout the seventies .
6 There was a knock on the door at the far side of the room , and after a moment the soldier entered with an armload of goods in striped bags .
7 Their car collided with an ambulance in the Cowley area of Oxford yesterday .
8 The tort of passing-off is wide enough to encompass other descriptive material such as slogans and visual images associated with an advertising campaign if this material has become part of the goodwill of the plaintiff 's product .
9 Parties faced with an expert 's decision or an arbitration award will need to know how the decision or award may be enforced , whether they can appeal against the decision or award and whether they can sue the expert or arbitrator .
10 Amongst the younger generation the arrival of the book in the wake of Penguin 's successful defence met with an enthusiasm which rarely survived a thumbing of its pages .
11 Copeland quotes a test in which only one gangrene rot developed during storage of 200 tubers dug by fork compared with 15 rots on 200 tubers lifted with an elevator digger from the same crop .
12 Fernando Botero 's ‘ Quatre Femmes ’ of 1987 should be the most expensive work sold with an estimate of $800,000–1,000,000 ( £533,000–666,000 ) followed by Rufina Tamayo 's ‘ Figura ’ from 1957 ( est. $500,000–600,000 ; £333,000–400,000 ) .
13 For instance , two-note groups being constantly played with a heavy first note and a curtained second one , or the first note under each slur produced with an accent .
14 ( Phrases marked with an asterisk indicate that the sequences are not permissible in English . )
15 The Sun led with an attack on the Sovereign for having asked the Bishop of Durham to a light lunch , but the rest of the papers made gloomy reading for the chairman .
16 However , the national monetary sovereignty identified with an exchange rate union is illusory rather than real .
17 The two-day debate in parliament opened with an emergency speech by President Vaclav Havel , who declared that the country was in danger of breaking up under nationalist pressures from Slovakia .
18 Learning hath of late years met with an obstruction in many places which suppresses it from flourishing or increasing … and that is the inquisition upon the press , which prohibits any book from coming forth without an imprimature .
19 That was a case in which the house had a path running to the steps which went up to the road , the house being at a lower level than the road , and the plaintiff met with an accident on those steps …
20 The house in Jamaica Street was targeted because the address was given in court when a man appeared on a charge connected with an attack on two loyalists in Berlin Street .
21 With international pressure mounting , the meeting closed with an agreement to explore a draft protocol which would include " prohibition of mineral activities " , together with sections on regulation of tourism , waste disposal and marine pollution , and protection of the continent 's flora and fauna .
22 The conference opened with an address by Spanish Prime Minister Felipe González , followed by speeches by leaders of the conference 's sponsoring governments — US President George Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev .
23 The British already pay less tax , relative to GDP , than the citizens of the other main EC countries : 39% of GDP compared with an average of 44% in Germany , France and Italy .
24 He handed the paper to Hawkins , who studied it for a moment , then said : ‘ I know those places marked with an asterisk .
25 In interpreting the curves and , it is possible to think of curve as a marginal benefit curve ( i.e. reduction in costs ) associated with increases in the population and of curve as a marginal cost curve associated with an increase in the population .
26 Another Oxfordshire site associated with an Iron Age precursor is Wood Eaton , while a possible third site is that now covered by the northern part of the City of Oxford .
27 Many of us will feel better psychologically when that spare tyre has been slimmed away , and if the diet combined with an exercise programme there can be a very real improvement in feelings of overall fitness .
28 Wipe the slide free of oil and view under a fluorescence microscope fitted with an incident source and filters appropriate for the fluorochromes used .
29 In the three months August to October , there was a decrease in the amounts outstanding on credit agreements with consumers of £0.21bn compared with an increase of £0.17bn in the previous three months .
30 Level of literary and education have traditionally been high in the Baltic republics ( Estonia , for instance , was 96.2 per cent literate in the 1897 census compared with an average for European Russia as a whole of 28.4 per cent ) , and there are higher than average levels of media consumption , urbanisation and other indicators of ‘ modernity ’ .
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