Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He more than filled the gap left by Alex ; his presence animated her with a mysterious excitement .
2 Bernie Scholtz passed her on the iron stairs as she was hurrying out .
3 Influenced by these dreams , beautiful mornings seemed to mock her waking despair , but once she had shaken herself free from their shades , sun , sky , trees and birds enveloped her like a benediction .
4 The web tangled and clung mawkishly around her reasoning as Fernando lowered her to the bed .
5 The 28-year-old cab driver attacked her in a clearing after she went to join Queen 's Club in west London , Mark Dennis , prosecuting , told the Old Bailey .
6 She confessed that the bitter jibes and over-exposure led her to the precipice .
7 Peregrine interrupted her with a languid chortle and was properly admonished .
8 Victoria met her in the hall , saying , ‘ You look frozen .
9 The blow caught her on the cheek and she fell against Gilbert .
10 The blow caught her on the right side of her face , high on the cheek bone , beneath the eye .
11 Lady Constance visited some suffragettes imprisoned in Holloway gaol , and this experience transformed her into a public figure with a single-minded burning cause .
12 In the morning , Punch brought a letter from Trelorne , whose contents Aunt Emily did not reveal , but Alexandra found her in the drawing-room after luncheon .
13 ‘ The middle sister found her by the pool in their garden .
14 Her GP referred her to a hospital in Watford , North London , where she underwent laser treatment to try and prevent the damage from getting any worse — but it did n't help .
15 Her investments provided her with an annual income of well over a million dollars , in addition to the trusts and investments left to her directly by her husband .
16 Straightening up , Roman regarded her with an unreadable expression .
17 Oddly , thoughts of the stranger haunted her for the rest of that day .
18 Linda asked her on a sudden impulse .
19 Emotion stabbed her like a physical pain .
20 Suddenly he looked tired , and there were deep furrows in his brow as his eyes scanned her for an instant .
21 Teodor chucked her under the chin suddenly , affectionately , and as suddenly Sophie threw an arm about her .
22 Though sometimes , the gentlemen chucked her beneath the chin absently , or gave her a sixpence , and one , even , pushed her for a whole quarter-hour on the swing .
23 A man in rags asked her for the price of a cup of tea .
24 Woolley met her in a Belgian hospital in the summer of 1916 , after he had broken both ankles in a forced landing .
25 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
26 In January 1990 the Education Department provided her with a new tutor .
27 Small animals used her as a shelter , burrowing into her rotting bowels .
28 She enjoyed attending to the whitewashed chapel where compulsory prayers were conducted three times a day and did not feel ill-used when Mrs Prynn chastised her with a whip for letting slip a blasphemy or lying abed longer than she ought .
29 She was still deep in thought when the sound of a car drew her to the window .
30 His eyes surveyed her for a moment .
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