Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Foreign imports into Britain continued to grow rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s while UK exports of manufactures levelled off from the late 1970s , making the UK a net importer of manufactured goods for the first time in the long history we have described ( Figure 2.1 ) .
2 My respectful view , for reasons which your Lordships will have noted , is that both the contention of the defence and the court 's refutation of it were misconceived : the absence of consent on the part of the owner is already inherent in the word ‘ appropriates , ’ properly understood , and therefore the argument for the defence got off on the wrong foot and the counter-argument that the words specified by the defence can not be read into section 1(1) did not assist the prosecution .
3 The princess , in a royal purple suit-dress , pushed on in front to sign the visitors ' book while the prince wandered off at the end , leaving his wife in his wake .
4 On CEEFAX and TELETEXT it implied that Cuntona got off with the rap .
5 Her words tailed off at the expression in his eyes .
6 The secular trend towards declining levels of crime levelled off in the first decade of this century .
7 Montgomerie got off on the wrong foot by commencing with a trio of bogeys , making mistakes throughout the bag before settling down to birdie the fifth and sixth and reach the turn in 38 .
8 The car moved off into the darkness and the rain .
9 But as the complex and delicate process unravelled , with hormones triggered off like the unlocking of a set of combination locks in a vast bank vault , it emerged how unlike a precious gem the ovum is .
10 Lissa pressed her fingertips to the window-pane , as though in some way that would keep him near to her , but the ambulance moved off along the road and the fragile connection was severed .
11 She got out , and , after he had waited to see her enter the house , the car roared off into the night .
12 Meetings could be banned and the townships sealed off in the event of new disturbances .
13 The car drove off towards the seafront , the same direction in which the woman 's attackers fled .
14 The DUP says that Republican violence paid off in the disarming of the RUC , the disbanding of the B Specials , the banning of Orange , Black and Apprentice Boys ' parades resulting in the imprisonment of Loyalists , the overthrow of Ulster 's parliament , the plan for talks with Dublin to change the status of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom , the abolishing of the Oath of Allegiance to the Queen in the new Assembly and Executive , the making of such oaths illegal for appointment to government boards , the removal of the Governor , the obliteration of ‘ On Her Majesty 's Service ’ from official paid envelopes , the attempt to destroy democracy by power-sharing which was a blow at the secrecy of the ballot box and an insult to British citizenship and standards , the proposal to set up machinery for the transfer of Northern Ireland 's powers to a body or bodies in or with the Irish Republic , and the continued existence of areas in Northern Ireland where the Queen 's writ did not effectually run .
15 The two mums smiled at each other as Stuart and Linda raced off down the aisle .
16 Theda could hear them arguing even as the horse trotted off down the drive .
17 Julie fell dead beneath a tree , its lower branches hacked off in the frenzied attack .
18 Josh shuffled off down the lip of the basin still sieving the water .
19 There is a kind of insularity at Lochranza cut off from the Corrie side by the great glens and hills of Sannox and on the other side by the long wild uninhabited coastal stretch to Catacol .
20 Bernice rushed off into the smoke .
21 Gyggle started off with the most sophisticated of these , the symbol and colour cards , but was soon reduced to getting me to try and guess — and a guess is all I could make — which of three paper cups had a ping-pong ball under it .
22 The friendship broke off in the 1880s .
23 I heard them laughing still as the car pulled off down the lane .
24 Taking a hint from the fame and antiquity of Egyptian flax working , Roberts went off to the banks of the Nile to study the Temple of Karnak , and came back to build Mr Marshall a factory in like fashion , which soon became known , naturally enough , as the Temple Mill .
25 Police gave no details but it appeared Mr Anderson fell dying with gunshot wounds , and the Ford Capri car sped off with the gunman and Ms Fisher inside .
26 On the day appointed , the aircraft took off with the first stick , all of whom landed successfully .
27 The aircraft took off into the darkness .
28 The car went off up the drift as many times Goblander had gone .
29 Social hygiene took off in the years immediately before the First War as part of the growing debate over national health and efficiency .
30 Before the property boom took off in the 1970s there were still cheap flats around in London .
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