Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] not at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Here he went astray , for Tilda did not at all like being so small .
2 Despite the policy agreements , the infighting over the succession to both Mitterrand and Mauroy had not at that point been resolved .
3 There seemed the suspicion of an implied threat here that Mr Crumwallis did not at all like .
4 Louis did not at all resemble Dahl 's amiable dream dispenser as Preston remembered him from the twins ' illustrated paperback .
5 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
6 The lych-gate creaked and left its prickly signature of rust upon the palm ( I 'll get it fixed , Ma 'm ! ) ; the bell rang not at all unless obliquely pressed by a nor'-nor'-westerly thumb .
7 ) At school , so that I would have time to practise two hours a day , by the age of 15 , I had been allowed to drop Latin ( Greek did not at any point arise ) and Maths .
8 However , the abolition legislation had not at that stage been passed or even presented to Parliament .
9 Younger sons did not at this time seek to maintain their gentility by going into the church or the army or by living off an annuity that allowed them to pass their time in respectable ease .
10 Djilas did not at this stage of his analysis refer to bureaucracy as a class , though he recognized that it had exclusive control of production and distribution and that it expropriated the economic surplus for itself at the expense of the ‘ direct producers ’ .
11 To quote Bernard Pares , a founding father of the study of the revolution in Britain , writing in 1939 , ‘ The cause of the [ tsarist ] ruin came not at all from below , but from above .
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