Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] for [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 When he and Adenauer met for the first time , de Gaulle records , ‘ We discussed Europe at length .
2 The statutory recognition of auditors ' resignation occurred for the first time in the Companies Act 1976 , prior to which resignation would have constituted a de facto breach of contract .
3 I have to admit that I felt a strange sense of elation as I hit him again , in fact I plumbed the depths of bad taste by yelling , ‘ Never one around when you want one , is there , Jack ? ’ as Armstrong bounced for the second time .
4 The first stage of Felix lased for the first time in August 1991 , and the second stage will be operational this summer .
5 Worried managers made the decision after the computer crashed for the second time in 10 days .
6 While in Cartagena , Colombia , on Dec. 2-3 for the " Group of Rio " summit [ see p. 38675 ] , President Fujimori of Peru and President Borja of Ecuador met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute [ see p. 38526 ] .
7 Her eyes flickered for a split-second to see Lucenzo 's reaction .
8 Using the 100-inch telescope on Mount Wilson , in 1923 Hubble identified for the first time a cepheid variable star in a spiral ‘ nebula ’ ( M 31 in Andromeda ) , and proceeded in the next few years to make similar discoveries in several other such ‘ nebulae ’ .
9 ANC president Nelson Mandela indicated for the first time on Dec. 29 that the ANC would consider the possibility of guaranteeing white seats in a future parliament along the lines agreed under the 1979 Lancaster House settlement on Zimbabwean independence [ see pp. 30165-75 ] .
10 There 's even a 100MHz dual-processor penned for the second quarter of next year using Cypress ' promised three-layer , 0.5 CMOS technology , touted at up to 320 MIPS , 162 SPECmarks , 142 SPECfp and 77 MFLOPS .
11 Gorbachev returned for a second visit on Nov. 18-21 , 1988 , accompanied by the Foreign Minister , Eduard Shevardnadze , and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers , Vladimir Kamentsev .
12 LaBudde documented for the first time , on video and in his diaries , the suffering and death of thousands of dolphins in a tuna fishing practice known as ‘ fishing on porpoise' ’ , which has over the last 30 years killed between 6 and 12 million dolphins in the eastern Pacific .
13 Mauritania , still in dispute with Senegal , was not represented by its head of state , and there was no delegation from Nigeria , which had been represented in Casablanca in December 1988 [ p. 36717 ] ; however , President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda attended for the first time .
14 No trace of the plage de l'Arsenal , where Camus glimpsed for the first time the beauty of the Mediterranean .
15 Edward cried for the next two days , but there was nothing he could do .
16 ‘ Nine players in that side appeared for the first team later .
17 The sum of£3 8s 6d was raised in this way , and the practice continued for the next eighty years .
18 On the 5th June 1156 , Frederick Barbarossa married for the second time .
19 On a wild and windy day , with gusts of rain driving into the side of the crematorium , an Anglican priest waited for the next funeral to commence .
20 Their friendship continued for the next few days .
21 Their heyday lasted for the first five years of the Eighties , when they scored the incredible total of 20 consecutive Top 20 hits .
22 John 's lamp light lasted for the first few hours of his entombment and from then on he was in total darkness .
23 However , Syrian officials contended that with the signing of the treaty Syria had for the first time formally acknowledged Lebanon as an independent state .
24 The United States accepted for the first time the phrase ‘ legitimate rights of the Palestinian people ’ and called for the participation of the ‘ Palestinian people ’ , a major concession to the Soviet Union , in return for Soviet retraction of its previous insistence on the participation of the PLO , the establishment of an independent Palestinian state , and the total withdrawal of Israeli forces to the 1949 Armistice Line .
25 Some of the fans remember it , their memory jogged by the 3p programme which the club reproduced for the last round against Bromsgrove .
26 Some of the fans remember it , their memory jogged by the 3p programme which the club reproduced for the last round against Bromsgrove .
27 Convenient scapegoats perhaps , but the K G B was open about today 's activities too ; Major General Alexander Karbalnov of the K G B revealed for the first time that seven hundred thousand people have been executed for political crimes since the revolution and that three-and-a-half million have been repressed .
28 And just six hours after Chris and Heather met for the first time they had decided to get married .
29 Such is the force of tradition that when the newly instituted Parliament of Northern Ireland met for the first time in 1921 , its first act was to claim these ‘ undoubted and ancient privileges ’ .
30 The Central Statistical Office said outstanding credit in February rose for the first time in six months .
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