Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] and [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The whole thing had the odd appearance of a brick-built Mississippi steamboat beached and panting to get back to the lake .
2 Looks as if Lotus Development Corp is being shopped around as a merger partner : according to the Wall Street Journal , Borland International Inc 's Philippe Kahn discussed a possible merger with Lotus 's Jim Manzi last month , although the talks were inconclusive , and elsewhere Manzi was seen to have been in deep discussions over dinner with Sun Microsystems Inc 's Scott McNealy ; Lotus of course tried and failed to merge with Novell Inc .
3 Labour tried and failed to make the election a referendum on these changes .
4 Some British armoured cars came and began shooting from a distance , and in the chaos I shouted out to four or five brother officers and we drove off in a truck .
5 Corbett muttered and tried to go on .
6 Now I have a problem with the water sender unit which started when the pre-heater switch broke and started to burn .
7 Donna shivered and decided to head back to the car , not even sure why she had come here in the first place .
8 Lucy screamed and tried to protect her head and face with her arms while Silas sprang across the room and dragged Doreen from her .
9 And after after he came and settled , my three brothers went and dig dig the graves in the old Llaneilian church you know .
10 She 'd been in front , but then the horse fell and seemed to land on top of her .
11 The girl had something — quite apart from her natural grace and outstanding good looks , quite apart from the lithe , leggy body that was simply made for modelling , there was a quality about her that made her stand out from all the others girls in the class , which drew the eye and held it , so that even someone as cynical as Arlene looked and wanted to go on looking .
12 The barman laughed and began to pull a couple of pints .
13 From the back of the hummock a figure appeared and began moving unhurriedly up the hill on an irregular route , at times coming obliquely towards the Friar , and then abruptly changing direction and seeming to go away from him : thus tacking and weaving the man was as inconspicuous as a partridge on ploughland , so that if the Friar turned his eyes from him for a moment he was difficult to rediscover , so perfectly did he merge with the duns , browns , russets , and half-greens of the wood .
14 Shocked at her lack of morals and the ease with which he 'd reduced all her defences to nothing , Meredith moaned and tried to push him away .
15 But the dilemma remained and had left the US with the choice of two ghastly courses of action .
16 In the far north of the world the Realm of Chaos churned and prepared to advance once more .
17 Last week the first practical steps towards such a union were taken when leaders of the RPR , UDF and UDC met and agreed to form a tactical group to work out the most effective means of opposing the government .
18 The boy sniffled and stammered to say something , but the words would not come .
19 Suddenly the mob turned and began throwing rocks …
20 It was after twelve o'clock when Giles arrived and began unpacking his hammers .
21 Kim turned and started to walk away .
22 Police said Mr Lavelle collapsed and stopped breathing after an altercation with a player from the opposing side during a match on Saturday at Hendon , north London .
23 Parents saw and began to understand the difficulties which teachers faced and became more sympathetic and supportive .
24 Hammond laughed and began to shake his head , then stopped , seeing how Kim was looking at him .
25 Just when you thought there was no one watching over nomes , the universe went and tried to prove you wrong …
26 Manuel won and elected to play first .
27 Rincewind groaned and tried to dig his way into the moss with his shoulderblades , then gasped as the pain hit him .
28 Pieper tried and failed to get hold of the outfits to brief them and to gauge their reaction .
29 But the troops rebelled and refused to leave during the winter .
30 Isobel turned and began to walk back towards the house .
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