Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [coord] they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually they reach the shallow stretches where their parents spawned and they lie there resting , their heads pointing upstream , flank to flank and so thick that the pale sand of the river bed is hidden by the black of their backs .
2 Bridget pulled the door shut and they set off after him .
3 Apparently what the erm busmen do is they have to make sure that they get to where they 're meant to be on time otherwise they get their pay docked but they like to stop off and see their friends on the way , and stop and have cups of tea
4 ‘ I know but that feckless lot up at Claro had that grand , old house given an' they 've let it fall to pieces round 'em . ’
5 They say yes you 're allowed so much money to have your house fixed and they fix it .
6 Well when when if if the Labour party criticised and they do criticise
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