Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 According to the values listed above for the product of the reaction in our example for case 2 should be NiO(s) and not CO(g) .
2 Moscow sets terms for unity debate Following are extracts from an address to members of the European Parliament given yesterday by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevardnadze .
3 ‘ Then how come when we pulled her from her suit I found a folder full of Alex Bannen 's notes stashed away inside the sleeve ? ’
4 Her features were well-shaped even so early , and the jaw placed finely on the white neck with its blue flush of springing hair .
5 Bernard declared ‘ No Smoking ’ throughout ; but Laura , pragmatic as ever , rather than countermanding him , simply had fifty ashtrays placed strategically around the château .
6 Providing authorities/hospitals would be paid for cases treated either on the basis of actual cost per case , or on some laid-down or agreed cost per case , and there seems little to prevent them behaving in the same manner as hospitals elsewhere where either ‘ Retrospective full cost reimbursement ’ or ‘ Prospective reimbursement ’ systems are in operation .
7 For example ‘ the ’ is signalled by two fingers placed together in the shape of a T , touching the ear indicates ‘ sounds like ’ , patting your hand on your head means ‘ name ’ , and it is often helpful to indicate the number of words by fingers .
8 The government also failed to take up the recommendation to ‘ ring-fence ’ community care budget allocations , except in the case of mental health services where they did agree to a specific grant which would only be spent on community care service plans developed jointly by the health and social services .
9 Because I 've had my hair highlighted regularly for the last ten years it gets really dry .
10 Ingrid Heseltine , an EC civil servant , found the vacancies tucked away at the back of Euro documents , printed in French .
11 Only the church band — two clarionets , a serpent , a bassoon and an ill-tempered violoncello — brought much vigour to the services ; after the harmonies of King 's their enthusiasm fell stridently on the Rector 's ear .
12 Many of the children with whom we work at school would not be accepted at the Petö Institute for reasons explained elsewhere in the report .
13 In the final confrontation Jaq and Grey Knights had fought through savage ranks of cultists who all showed some mark of Chaos — a tentacle , a sting , tendrils instead of hair , suckers , claws ; through to the warlock of the coven ensconced deep within the caverns where young captives whimpered piteously in cages .
14 Staff in some departments discussed the appraisal but the writing of reports was in most cases undertaken solely by the head of department :
15 CHAMPS will be one of the vertical-market products developed further by the independent company — and an announcement is expected in the autumn .
16 Before joining battle on the value judgements in the theses of Fairlie and Butt , both of which agree basically with the assessment given here of the powers and role of the House of Commons today , it is worth establishing the facts , both historical and contemporary .
17 It was like a valedictory speech , possibly the last big statement he would utter as Leader of the Opposition , the opportunity to deliver a personal justification of what he did to try and ensure that Labour 's values joined together with the popular vote to save the party from the political wilderness .
18 The case of Copeman v Coleman ( 1939 ) 22 TC 594 concerned a company which was formed in 1933 with a capital of £1,000 owned equally by the respondent and his wife .
19 And that means fiddly switches scattered haphazardly across the dash and centre console like bits of shot fired from a blunderbuss .
20 You 'll what you 'll end up with is different organisations managing houses scattered all over the city .
21 I sat at the kitchen table , staring at the blind white blankness in front of me , and slowly , like a clear spring welling up from the common earth , the poem rose and spread and filled me , unstoppable as flood water , technique unknotting even as it ran , like snags rolled away on the flood .
22 And we know what the Iraqi government would like , which is the release of their money frozen here since the Gulf war .
23 High fences around Admiralty installations gave good views as the birds perched briefly on the wires , taking their bearings .
24 ‘ Ask yourself , John , a device the size of a nuclear tactical shell used by the artillery , with damage confined only to the research station , or the dissemination of some of the most deadly bacterial and viral agents the world has ever known . ’
25 As Russians penetrated southwards from the forested zone ( taiga ) to the wooded steppe , and then the open grasslands , they built new fortresses .
26 With the enclosure of the open fields and the redistribution of the land mostly in compact blocks instead of strips scattered all over the parish , one would have expected the old open-field village to disintegrate as the village farmers built new farmsteads on their allotments .
27 She spent the rest of her ‘ ninety years of aggressively independent living ’ 9 with only the consistent company of a pack of fox-terriers , alternatively at her Yorkshire cottage perched precariously on the edge of a cliff or in her Chelsea studio overlooking the river .
28 Increasingly , as penetration of the West European markets on any large scale failed to materialise , the German states looked eastwards to the less socially advanced , less well-organised societies along their borders .
29 In the thirteenth century the decoration of manuscripts was passing out of the hands of the religious houses to artists grouped together within the towns and working for patrons both lay and ecclesiastical .
30 I got a bit carried away with the Wogan show and all that .
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