Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His coat and waistcoat swiftly followed it and his fingers ripped away the neckcloth about his throat , heedless of the ruin they effected .
2 How thrilled the girl had been to be going to the Holy City , how lovely she had looked in a jacket of scarlet silk , a birthday present given only the day before by Mrs Browning , how she had glowed and shivered with anticipation …
3 The solution to these two difficulties was provided by the trust , which at a stroke solved both the problem of third-party involvement and that of enforcement .
4 Now there are cars parked right the way up and even on to the roundabout , and I think a lot of these erm persons erm with the cars are probably from the Polytechnic .
5 In the drawing shown here the decision is less obvious .
6 For a long time the lawyer called almost every day .
7 ‘ But it is n't , ’ she cried , frantic now as her words brought home the enormity of what was happening .
8 The programme marked perhaps the beginning of Mrs Whitehouse 's attempts to influence the content of particular programmes .
9 The monster 's blood burnt away the grass on Dragon 's hill .
10 ODDEST sight of the week : top Tory ‘ mandarin ’ Allan Clarke giggling at the readers ' tips in Viz : ‘ Taxi drivers , why not pop into your local garage and have your indicators fixed then the rest of us would know where you 're going …
11 The missionary officers had their groceries delivered twice a week by lorry from the nearest store which was nine or ten miles away .
12 ‘ The poor little chap had blood taken almost every day — but he never cried , ’ says Kathleen .
13 Results show that the majority of students involved in the DipHE courses progressed to a degree course of some kind , and that no less than 75% of mature students achieved a degree , and 85% of the ‘ under-qualified ’ on entry achieved either a degree or a DipHE .
14 If you have your hair done once a week could you set it yourself and just visit the hairdressers for a cut every two months ?
15 ‘ We fuel cells have done our best You really put us to the test Exhausted now the charge is done Replace it with another one ’
16 From their feet stretched away the plain of shaggy grass , a wild lawn of weeds , buttercups , dandelions and lady 's smock in full bloom .
17 For this reason , in each of the trials discussed below the window size is varied from 1 to 10 words .
18 Had Purcell composed only the string parts , leaving the trumpet parts to be added later ?
19 We have of course got here a speech about a human bond versus a larger loyalty .
20 Again just two lanes open can slow things and a quick glance elsewhere well no real troubles reported just a look at the A One Stanford still the roadworks on the go there both north and south will slow things down .
21 Dexter handed across an article dated about a year before from one of the broadsheet newspapers .
22 Perhaps it is fortunate that the fossil record preserved only a fraction of the truly stupendous total number of species that must have lived since the Cambrian , for otherwise the scientists ' task to catalogue 600 million years of life would be an impossible one .
23 At that time the houses were scattered and there was no village shop ( the mobile shop called once a week ) , although there was a church and a school .
24 Mr Plowden added : ‘ Last year 's forecasts of a 66 per cent rise in demand over the next 20 years brought home the enormity of the environmental threat posed by current minerals policy . ’
25 The carapace required almost a year to become fully symbiotic with the body — and its owner required purification , distillation in the alembic of combat before his augmented natural body could be judged to be fully transmuted in spirit as well as in flesh and bone , and thus worthy of donning complete Marine armour …
26 But to many of the naturalists actually involved , the new discoveries required only a revision of traditional ideas rather than a revolution .
27 What is in issue from the perspective of legitimacy is whether the particular use made of that undoubted constitutional power , the manner of its use , and the justification both for the use and manner of use — that considerations of national security required both a banning of trade unions and no consultation with affected officers before the ban was announced was a fair and reasonable use of power ?
28 Nevertheless he moved quickly down the corridors — shabby , ill-lit alleyways which , even at this early hour , were busy — knowing that every minute brought closer the chance of Herrick being warned .
29 The choice of rent structures involved therefore a weighing of the interests of tenants as a whole ( including impoverished tenants ) with those of the general body of ratepayers .
30 Madame cut short the protest .
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