Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , the pattern of reasons given for such a selection tends to be highly personal and particular , with emphasis being placed mainly on the objectification of personal relations , for example , with deceased friends and relatives .
2 He looked up from his reading and the beard parted in such a way as to suggest that there might be an affable grimace lying some way behind it .
3 Conditions could be imposed on the planning permission which would overrule the general permission given for such a change in use by the Use Classes Order ( Class 11 is ‘ use as an office for any purpose ’ ) .
4 Moreover , the inevitability of pecking orders for children and institutions presupposed by such a market index of comparative performance will render less propitious the circumstances for learning , for those children who , through no fault of their own , are in a school which is perceived by the articulate watchers of the school results index to be failing .
5 Any conclusions based on data collected in such a small number of schools , from just three LEAs , are bound to have limited application and , clearly , there are dangers in making sweeping statements based on this research .
6 The large amounts of data needed for such an analysis were obtained by means of a participant observation method which allowed the investigator to record speakers over a long period , returning to collect more data if specific gaps emerged in the course of the analysis ( cf. 3.1 ) .
7 The specific term used for such an exercise is ‘ one-step semi-free sparring ’ .
8 To put it another way , if the principal element is an E , then the complex produced by such an extension remains an E ; and if the main element is a P , then the complex is a P. Qualification has the effect of indicating that the subordinate element is to be used in the identification of a single entity or of a single property corresponding to the complex as a whole .
9 In the case of legacy per damnationem , the legatee was not of course owner , but he was the beneficiary of a civil-law obligation imposed on the heir by the testator : the words used for such a legacy , damnas esto dare , generated a liability at civil law for the heir to make over the property to the legatee .
10 In his statement of claim the plaintiff admitted that since termination of the contract he had by reason of continuing to work within the insurance industry acted in such a way that , if the contract were still subsisting , he would have been in breach of clause 9A .
11 But , if that 's the case , why was the deal handled in such a sly and back-handed manner ?
12 Sperber and Wilson suggest that the effect achieved by such an utterance can be termed a poetic effect .
13 With the great flood rising fast , Noah slammed the door of the ark shut in such a hurry that he accidentally severed the cat 's fine bushy tail .
14 Born to an unwed teenage mother in South Carolina , Jackson came of age when no Black man or woman would ever request a public cup of coffee , or enter a public bathroom , or undertake to register to vote , without calculating the easily fatal risks attached to such a simple act .
15 The need on the part of performance scoring models for ready access to detailed transaction and account balance trend data required for such a marketing strategy are already stored on the database , even if off-line , and in a form that makes them sufficiently easy to retrieve .
16 In the ordinary case , the law applicable to a decision made by such a body is the general law of the land .
17 I strongly resent having my views sought in such an underhand way .
18 Was the original purchase made with such a money-making end in mind ?
19 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
20 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
21 It would be premature to conclude , however , that the transfer seen in such an experiment depends on the acquisition of distinctiveness by the critical cues as a consequence of phase-one discrimination training .
22 There was concern that the hydrophonic amplification equipment needed for such a rescue operation was not available .
23 Simmel implies specific stages of historical or philosophical forms to equate with his material rather less than Hegel , but his text is much richer than that of his predecessor in the wealth of sociological models based upon such a sequence .
24 They offered no theory as to why the child behaved in such a way , no external event was allowed an explanatory status ; rather the outburst was reflected back to the personality of the child , who was said to have a very angry liver ( the liver being the seat of inner states ) .
25 Those cases are where the matter or transaction in relation to which the offence was committed , was a contract or a proposal for a contract with , amongst others , a public body ; or a sub-contract to execute any work comprised in such a contract .
26 It does not follow that judges faced with such an issue must throw up their hands and send the parties from court with no decision at all .
27 The first Tay Bridge showed up the lack of expertise and foresight required for such a structure , no wind tunnels or sophisticated testing were available to the engineers in the late 1870s .
28 There is nothing derogatory to the teacher intended in such a suggestion .
29 ‘ Schools are places arranged in such a way that learning can take place .
30 Indeed , from the outside there can be few aspects of the music business surrounded by such an aura of myth .
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