Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] only [art] " in BNC.

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1 The loch is very weedy and fishing restricted to only a few clear patches ; but there are some super trout to be had , deep bodied and golden in colour .
2 A thousand feet on the QNH in solid cloud and driving rain ‘ somewhere near Maidenhead ’ is not a good place for a young pilot to be — especially with less than eighty hours flying time , no ratings , and in an aeroplane flown for only a few hours beforehand .
3 Just 1,000 feet on the QNH in solid cloud and driving rain ‘ somewhere near Maidenhead ’ is not a good place for a young pilot to be , especially one with less than eighty hours flying time , no ratings , and in an aeroplane flown for only a few hours beforehand !
4 Perhaps efficiency has turned into dumping and state-aided advantages enjoyed by only a few industries here , but both sides should still be on the record .
5 The Vimy was too large to construct a hangar around it and so , exposed to the elements , rebuilding work commenced with only a set of canvas screens for shelter .
6 Still , that 's what we all go for is n't it , to manfully plough through two foot deep mudholes in our be-trainered feet , to boldly stand in the pouring rain clad in only a T-shirt and to remain under canvas for three days whilst simultaneously holding both the tent and a beer can in a force nine gale !
7 Although we thought at first that this was a saw intended for only a serious builder , we discovered that it also earned its keep doing fairly mundane cutting jobs that would normally be done by hand .
8 Another company holds an annual senior managers ' conference attended by only a few select top executives at which fundamental issues are discussed .
9 The ability to treat others by means of hypnosis is an acquired skill and not a special gift possessed by only a few .
10 Nearly 70 per cent of seasonal , temporary or casual workers are also part-timers compared to only a quarter of fixed contract workers .
11 Inflation increased by only a fraction to 3.2% .
12 Yuletide and Twelfth Night passed with only the occasional carols in church , for no one dared to go out at night .
13 ( The Supreme Court had held flag-desecration to be a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment , but this bill provided for only a $25 fine in cases of assault upon flag-burners . )
14 Sometimes it represents more serious and massive popular discontents , as in the renewed turn to Scottish nationalism in the late 1980s , plainly a reaction both to an all-British government supported by only a modest minority of Scots and a politically impotent all-British opposition party .
15 Parliament reassembled after only a seven-week recess on 30 September .
16 Once again this attitude to the natural environment was essentially pragmatic ; farming involves replacing complex , natural biological communities with simplified , artificial systems dominated by only a handful of species .
17 However , when unveiled , this scheme met with only a lukewarm response ( and was disparagingly described by the prince of Wales as ‘ resembling a 1930s wireless set ’ ) and SAVE renewed its objection at a second public inquiry in 1988 .
18 Desperate , his wife Irene chased up a radio advertisement for drop-in surgery performed with only a local anaesthetic .
19 Thus a half of lone women aged 60–4 receive income from occupational schemes compared with only a third of those aged 75 and over .
20 Cocoa cultivation spread so quickly around the world that all the crops derived from only a few wild ancestors , so that modern cultivated varieties suffer from a lack of genetic variation .
21 A monthly on the Third World from a big publishing stable had just had the plug pulled after only the sixth issue .
22 Claims submitted with only a vague description of how loss/damage occurred .
23 As this provision catered for only a small proportion of part-time further education teachers and , with very few exceptions , led to no formal qualification , it in no way constituted an adequate or unified system of training .
24 Over the period 1957–65 for US manufacturing , extra sales by overseas subsidiaries counted for an estimated 13 per cent of the total increase in production ( additional exports accounted for only a trivial 2 per cent ) .
26 She had come through her sternest test , she had proven the singing budgie brigade was woefully wrong and that she was now ready to take her career into the even more rarefied atmosphere occupied by only a tiny handful of superstars .
27 Even then it tends to be an option used for only a selection of shots depending on hazards , the pin position and preference for a particular shape of shot .
28 In this paper they made the remarkable prediction that radiation ( in the form of photons ) from the very hot early stages of the universe should still be around today , but with its temperature reduced to only a few degrees above absolute zero ( - 2730 ° C ) .
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