Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] the local " in BNC.

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1 On Wednesday morning the prince , in his role as president of Scottish Business in the Community , will visit Craigmillar to see projects developed by the local community , local authority and other agencies , with help from the Friends of Craigmillar — a group of business leaders .
2 ‘ The current requirement is for smaller units situated within the local community to which the young people belong . ’
3 Here , however , the roles given to the local authorities by the Acts of 1902 and 1918 left scope for innovation where money allowed .
4 In Limone there are guided walks organised by the local tourist office .
5 Free activities : There are guided walks organised by the local tourist office , and various festivals throughout the season .
6 As the DCSL recalls , the IS coordinator defended the demands made on the local library on the grounds that : If we had a decent school library I would n't need to do it .
7 Large-scale reconstruction took place in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , and among interesting buildings of the later period is a bonded warehouse built of the local limestone in 1830 .
8 Outram , the feminist and progressive , was clearly the target of an unrelenting campaign of bigotry and misogyny organized by the local working-class and petty-bourgeoisie .
9 The range of substitute homes offered by the local authorities varies considerably and it is of course essential to try to match the different children coming into care to the most appropriate home .
10 The system will be piloted starting from next week by North Westminster Community school , in London , with funds provided by the local authority .
11 Ltd. an action brought by the local authority under s.100 to obtain the abatement of obnoxious odours , raised the defence of best practicable means , and Brabin , J. in his judgement said obiter , ‘ I do not find the meaning of sections 92 to 100 of the 1936 Act ambiguous .
12 It is well established that a public law decision by a local authority may be open to challenge by way of defence or counterclaim to an action brought by the local authority in the High Court or the county court , notwithstanding the fact that if the defendant had sought to begin the proceedings he would have had to do so by way of judicial review : see Wandsworth London Council v. Winder [ 1985 ] A.C. 461 .
13 ‘ I thought all Archdeacons wanted clergy to live in modern bungalows based on designs derived from the local constabulary ? ’
14 The decision to go ahead was made two years ago , but has been prevented by opposition led by the local Anchuranas Defence Co-ordination .
15 All that the legislation provided for was that any loss incurred by the local authorities , as a result of carrying out the regulations , would fall as a charge upon the Exchequer .
16 Everyone knows of someone who is said to have paid £500 for a horse advertised in the local paper and ended up with a star .
17 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
18 This cobbled route is still a joy to follow ; the top half of it , as it curves down to the church and the river , lined with sober houses built from the local cocoa-coloured stone and dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — datable precisely in some cases from the inscribed lintel stones ; then the church , seventeenth-century and disappointingly dull ; the old bridge over the Nive , which is the place to look up — and downstream , at the houses built along the banks with their projecting wooden galleries ; and then on towards the Porte d'Espagne , past the shops and more very decent old houses .
19 ‘ There 's Becherovka , a liqueur made from the local water and various herbs , ’ he answered .
20 And we tried to do something about the problem of alcoholism and prostitution in the area by getting the bars and brothels registered with the local government .
21 It is the zone demarcated by the local administration as a growth , development and potential problem area .
22 Basically , this scheme uses half the point blocks built by the local authority in the early 1950s in this location .
23 Galway , the Swedish company Terra Mining sampled around the local water supply .
24 A local authority may therefore bring proceedings : ( i ) to prevent parents from removing a child accommodated by the local authority under voluntary arrangements where a return home is likely to harm the child significantly ; ( ii ) to protect a child who has been significantly harmed in the past where this is likely to happen again because , for example , a parent is known to abuse in certain recurring circumstances ; ( iii ) to protect a child who has never been harmed where the family history clearly places him at risk , eg a new born or a child reaching an age at which other children in the family have been harmed .
25 However , it must be emphasised that the flexibility shown by the local authority in approving this combination of residential and occupational functions within individual units is very unusual and was probably encouraged by the planners ' recognition that this approach could act to conserve a listed building with the least possible alteration of its character .
26 The issue raised by the local authority 's summons is , so it is claimed , simply not justiciable .
27 As the Health Committee reflects many of the concerns raised by the local authority associations , the Association of Metropolitan Authorities was naturally jubilant .
28 Those living on estates further from the office will be served by surgeries staffed by the local officers .
29 Tradition and folklore abound , including the well-known wide-brimmed hats with red pom poms worn by the local girls .
30 The Council appreciates their support of the programme and the invaluable help provided by the local centres which run the courses .
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