Example sentences of "[noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] next " in BNC.

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1 For reasons given in the next section , we remain sympathetically sceptical .
2 However , the interest is usually in the filterable or settlable solids , and these are normally determined by the methods given in the next test .
3 John Prescott , the shadow transport secretary , said the announcement confirmed ‘ further delay , uncertainty and planning blight with the line 's completion pushed into the next century , not the end of the decade ’ .
4 These are not , furthermore , isolated examples ; in scene four , Anderson has the longest turn ( 86 words compared with the next longest , McKendrick 's 47 ) as he does in the final scene ( 53 words against McKendrick 's 14 ) .
5 Unless today 's firms learn to manage for profit , not just for the revenue generated by the next deal , it is a fair bet that in fewer years than that many of them will have gone the same way .
6 In the zero-address computers discussed in the next section , some instructions require only an operation code field while others require an operand specification as well , so considerable variation in instruction length is possible .
7 Investment in upgrading the production process is driving a reorganisation of United Distillers ' operations in Scotland , with more than 100 million capital investment planned over the next three years .
8 Be warned : Most of the algorithms described in the next few sections are rarely used in practical systems .
9 See Fig. 1 for identification of the various DNA fragments described in the next paragraphs .
10 In a disputed property case , because the Class F effectively comes to an end on the issue of the decree absolute protective steps mentioned in the next section should be taken .
11 Husayn could only contemplate this option with equanimity if most of the Palestine refugees moved out of his territory — presumably back to Palestine , an issue considered in the next chapter .
12 Got the shopping done for the next fortnight .
13 I suspect that we will find that John Major is both pro-active and reaction , because in the next few months erm up to some time before June nineteen ninety two , there has to be a manifesto produced for the next election , and I think it 's in that you will probably see the pro-active side of John Major and his colleagues .
14 With equal division , the wealth inherited by the next generation is It should however be remembered that the process by which wealth is divided may be considerably influenced by public policy .
15 The landlord may sue if he can prove that actual harm has been caused to the reversion or in the circumstances illustrated in the next case .
16 With Thornton dropping into the background and the money coming in , the comrades progressed to the next stage , the dummy edition .
17 That was the beginning of a series of small books of prayers spread over the next fifty years , which were prayed first and then made available for others who felt the same spiritual need as myself .
18 However , the UCTA is so intimately connected with the process of negotiation and drafting in the areas covered by the next four chapters that , as a preliminary to detailed analysis of the precedents , it was felt essential to lay out the principles contained in the UCTA and discuss their application in the light of the case law that has evolved in the 15 years or so since the UCTA came into effect .
19 Moreover , the results have reinforced the belief that the general equilibrium effects are potentially important and can be safely ignored only in special circumstances ( this , we shall see , is even more true in the long-run models explored in the next Lecture ) .
20 It also entails the preparation of a staffing plan as an important component of the School Development Plan described in the next chapter .
21 Surplus ACT carried forward is treated as ACT paid in the next accounting period ( s 239(4) ) .
22 Nonetheless these data have allowed both the descriptive work outlined in the next section and the explanatory work outlined in the section after that ( on the ‘ Classification and definition of rural areas ’ ) to be produced .
23 Savings accounts in banks were left untouched , but the decree limited for the next six months the amount of cash which could be withdrawn from accounts to a maximum Rbs500 per month , although it authorized the use of bank transfers by individuals for payment to state shops and enterprises .
24 The campaign to maximise the impact of the opposition parties ' votes in terms of seats won in the next election should begin now .
25 Holly searched for the next opportunity to strike again at the administration of the camp that held him .
26 They 've already got five tracks earmarked for the next album .
27 The wind and rain ceased over the next two days , but giant waves of up to fifteen feet continued to batter the shoreline , flooding and wrecking many homes .
28 I noticed there are horse treks arranged for the next three days .
29 I 've just sent a cable to the club : list of delegates expected for the next week 's visit — does that sound okay ?
30 It should hardly be necessary to mention that every partners ' meeting should be duly and sufficiently minuted and the minute approved at the next meeting .
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