Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] see i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Father Laverty came to see me in hospital two days after the birth and had the nerve to look at my beautiful baby and ask me to put her up for adoption . ’
2 Mr Jaggers told me Miss Havisham wished to see me on business , so I said I would go the next day .
3 Oh , and Frank wanted to see me about the car .
4 She had brought her son over from South Africa and while staying in Bristol had seen me on the television screen .
5 A twenty four year old woman came to see me for treatment on the ward , a smoker .
6 Camino came to see me in the bank and asked if the village girls would be prepared to collect food and take it on their bicycles to the prisoners .
7 Mr. Docherty came to see me in April , desperately concerned because he was homeless and had insufficient money with which to feed himself .
8 People had seen me in my drama school finals .
9 I was sitting in my office smoking one of James 's cigarettes — not the best thing , perhaps , for the queasiness I was still feeling , but I hoped it might calm my juddering nerves — when a poked page-boy knocked on my door and said the Old Man wanted to see me in his suite .
10 I dare n't have done if I had n't er oh oh I know once my my doctor came to see me about something and there was erm a lot of people used to use er some pills oh what were they called , little round pills , when at the monthly periods they used to use them , oh Doctor Johnson 's , Doctor somebody 's pills , now they would have the effect of er your period you would see more than you usually did .
11 At my weekend surgery three pensioners came to see me in considerable distress because of the difficulty that they faced in paying their water and electricity bills and other bills from private utilities following the large price increases .
12 Oddly enough , I did n't happen to be in my room again when Terry Wogan came to see me before the show on the second occasion .
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