Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] be through the " in BNC.

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1 Brian and I recounted the awful journey , but , of course , all the Yanks had been through the same ordeal .
2 Stanley Spencer had been through the war ; he had experienced the horror , the vulgarity , of war .
3 A mole working inside Cranborne School had supplied them with a mailing-list of all Muslim parents whose children had been rejected by ‘ This is a Christian Country ’ Gyles , the Junior School headmaster , and Robert and Maisie had been through the telephone directory , picking out anyone with a Muslim-sounding name .
4 His French accent had been through the grinder in the New World , so that he sounded like a gangster in a B movie .
5 Well , Walter had been through the same things , but he wanted to put them down on paper .
6 The late Derek Cross had been through the tunnel on the footplate of an A3 Pacific and a Class 40 diesel and on both occasions he had been very pleased to see the other end of the tunnel , such is its evil , brooding , emotive reputation .
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