Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With the war over and M. Guérigny back from the front , the brother and sister became intoxicated with the experience of freedom .
2 The crucial events around which the case centred occurred at a dinner party given by the General , when Aitken and some others were present .
3 The enactment of the hunt and the practice of imitative magic to ensure success at the kill became fossilized as a widespread and regular feature of the seasonal festivities .
4 The blow to the Education Bill proposals for all schools to become grant maintained came in a survey for BBC Wales .
5 Decimalisation meant that a major revision of the payroll system was needed and the limited time scales involved resulted in the acquisition and implementation of a payroll package called " COMPAY " .
6 The exceptional moment when the spirit of Brahms materialised came at the beginning of the andante where Pauline Dowse 's cello solo evoked the inner stillness of the composer — all moonlight , warmth and swaying tree tops .
7 Nothing seemed to be happening , all his senses were apparently functioning normally , except … that the sweet in his mouth seemed permeated with the awful smell ; had become a slimy lump of filth .
8 Lee wondered why the barman tolerated him but when she looked towards the bar she saw that the barman seemed hypnotized by the antics of the pub 's female singer , not pleasantly , but as if he had been created permanently attached to a painful but essentially dependable puzzle .
9 The horse pounded surefooted along the tunnels , leaping sudden slides of rubble and adroitly sidestepping huge stones as they thundered down from the straining roof .
10 AUSTRALIAN captain Allan Border struck an impressive 71 not out yesterday as Queensland 's four-day match against Pakistan appeared headed for a draw .
11 Frere stood flustered at the turn their banter had taken .
12 Anyway , one lady came came to the house whilst I was here and she said oh it 's not quite what I want .
13 A budgie lost lost from the Lenton area yesterday tea time at six o'clock from Sherwin Road it 's green and it 's called Freddie seven nine one six five six to ring seven nine one six five six if you can help there .
14 A boy named came into the world and he shook it .
15 Piles of ruddy-brown ash lay heaped on the floor .
16 Metaphor lay coiled in the name sunflower , which not only turned towards but resembled the sun , the source of light .
17 In Liverpool the tensions generated resulted in the deployment of extra imported police who , at a demonstration on 13 August , charged the crowd on what became known as " Bloody Sunday " an incident which is remembered to this day .
18 The coroner seemed deflated by the financial implications of his notion .
19 Unfortunately most of what ITV screened came from the cast 's rehearsals , not the actual performance , and television mogul Lew Grade sent the cast an apologetic telegram afterwards .
20 Attempts by the United States to organize a Middle East peace conference remained deadlocked at the end of August .
21 Petion caught up with Mortimer just as the Marines reached the wider tunnel , into one side of which was set a pair of doors which Benny 's description indicated led to the dock .
22 The money collected went to the feast fund , but the cakes and biscuits were passed around among the villagers gathered outside the pub .
23 The output produced consisted of the cost of implementing the proposed grade boundaries in the first year together with estimates of the cost in forthcoming years .
24 Thereafter , the entire conflict became internalized as the collective anxiety hysteria which we know today as totemic religion .
25 The lexicon used consisted of the Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary of Current English ( OALDCE ) .
26 This worked as a strategy at least for as long as the persons involved lived in the same household and shared their resources .
27 I became very emotionally involved in the last round because everything Lee touched went in the damned hole .
28 Some of the sepoys were shot or cut down as they struggled to get over the possessions ' which stuck out jaggedly here and there ; a sowar pitched headless from his horse on to a silted-up velvet chaise longue ; a warrior from Oudh dived head first in a glittering shower through a case of tropical birds while a comrade at his elbow died spreadeagled on the mud-frozen wheels of the gorse bruiser .
29 Weiss found that the kingdom Jesus preached belonged in the apocalyptic , eschatological framework of contemporary Jewish thought .
30 It is not necessarily the Secretary of State 's definitive view , it is the view that erm the regional office have come to given the erm evidence presented presented at the time .
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