Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [coord] take [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even more annoyed by that intrusive thought , Guy scowled furiously as Isabel rose and took a beaker from the table , filling it with water from the pail .
2 Luce surfaced and took a deep breath .
3 While Goodison mounted and took the reins from the ostler , she called , ‘ Give my love to George ! ’ and with that was gone , leaving Annie and Elizabeth with the task of smuggling the clothes into the house without arousing Jonadab 's suspicions .
4 Cornelius turned and took a good long look .
5 The wooden spit stand began to bend and creak , the Halflings groaned and took the strain .
6 The Great War started and took the scho er This Road school had all men teachers extep except standard one , which was an introduction from infants to grown-up and a matronly lady always called Miss , er broke us into this new sort of discipline and sternness really .
7 Roy shrugged and took a gulp of his drink .
8 Jordan sighed and took a drink .
9 Thank you She fumbled at her belt with one hand and i laughed and took the briefcase from her .
10 Jed smiled and took a risk .
11 Jack nodded and took a step towards Steve where he lay surrounded by his family , and then everything seemed to happen at once .
12 Jill grinned and took a deep breath .
13 The dark woman shrugged and took a glass .
14 Maidstone paused and took a deep breath .
15 The young man nodded and took the pouch .
16 ‘ I do n't recognise the writing , ’ began Emily and then , as Florrie gasped and took the letter from her : ‘ Why , whatever 's the matter ? ’
17 Whitlock smiled and took the Budweiser from Kruger .
18 Tsu Ma smiled and took the reins .
19 Curval turned and took the tiny , deadly slide from off the table .
20 Benjamin smiled and took the torch from me .
21 Mandy hesitated and took a deep breath .
22 After spending a quarter of an hour in the heat of the sauna , Agnes rose and took a dip in a small pool filled with ice-cold water .
23 James Weenes , in a conversation he had with the wife of a London weaver in September 1690 , expressed his opinion that William was " a Dutch Dogg and an Usurper " , who " like a Villain came and took the Crowne from the head of his Father " , and also that " the nobility was a parcel of Rogues and all of them lived as high as Kings .
24 Jonna hesitated and took a sip of his tea , regarding his father warily over the rim of the mug .
25 Robyn swallowed and took a hasty pace backwards , struggling desperately against the compelling strength of his gaze , the overwhelming male sexuality that exuded from him .
26 Robyn swallowed and took a deep breath , trying to compose herself so that when he returned she could say that it was all right , she felt fine now .
27 Julie screamed and took a step back .
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