Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [coord] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Awareness of opinion polls was most predictable in the Pre-Campaign Wave and became steadily less predictable as the election approached and awareness became more widespread .
2 Public awareness of opinion polls was most predictable in the Pre-Campaign Wave and became steadily less predictable as the election approached and awareness spread throughout the electorate .
3 My heart sank and numbness took over .
4 The coroner chattered like a magpie as the weak daylight died and dusk fell like a grey powder , shrouding the wide waste stretches of snow .
5 When Harold Wilson came to office , one Polaris submarine was cancelled , but the programme continued and Labour sought a consensus with other political parties and played an enormous role in NATO .
6 Mum could n't read anyway but she always seemed to know when Auntie Nellie wrote and Dad made it my job to hide these letters and give them to him when Mum was out of the way .
7 Pete asked and Mum grinned and said ‘ Well , I suppose so but I 'll give it a good wash when we get home . ’
8 It fits perfectly the charm and naivety of the early to mid-fifties ; it has little to do with the self conscious posturings of the later period that Scobie wishes to impute to it ; most of all that of the ‘ Beat generation ’ , for most of the book had been written before Howl howled and junkie commenced the near-universal junketings .
9 Then the election campaign began and production fell by five per cent as they listened to politicians for hour after hour .
10 Her limbs ached and mouth tasted as though some incubus had emptied the contents of an ashtray into it while she had been asleep .
11 Mercifully the sparks died and blackness descended , leaving the huge , still glowing figure outlined against the lighter backdrop of the sea .
12 my white cowboy cried and silly-billy spilt a splash of blood across his bosom .
13 Pete said and Mum shook her head .
14 Miss Potts left and Mademoiselle arrived , not quite so beaming as usual because of the heat .
15 The plates realigned and subduction resumed , sparking volcanic activity which spewed forth the granite rock covering much of the Sierras .
16 The promised allowance to cover extra heating and lighting was not forthcoming , and as the days lengthened and winter approached there was understandable bad feeling between landladies and their reluctant lodgers .
17 Where more than one patron existed or disagreement looked probable every step was taken to ensure compromise .
18 To my amazement , they were burning brightly as the rain fell and water dripped from the ash trees .
19 As the evening proceeded and conversation unfolded , Jacob was haunted by a sense of strangeness which he could n't quite pinpoint .
20 As the war ended and BOAC prepared to resume regular commercial services with whatever aircraft it could obtain , the issues unresolved at Chicago continued to haunt British planners .
21 Then every star vanished , and the sky was instantly one piled mass of black cloud , out of which lightnings flashed and rain streamed in a circling torrent , swirled by the terrible wind .
22 She was only able to put weight on her left foot and , as soon as she straightened , her head swam and nausea engulfed her .
23 The emergence of more professional search consultants coincided with the increased need for headhunting services to help rationalisation and reorganisation ; but arguably as the search industry was maturing , headhunting could attract better-qualified candidates , and as their earnings rose and headhunting became more profitable , executive search was increasingly being seen as a viable alternative to a line-management job .
24 Loopy Lil grinned and Dot saw she did n't understand much of anything that other people said .
25 Liverpool fretted and Villa scored , Ormondroyd touching on a Spink clearance via Daley to Olney , whose fierce shot burst through Grobbelaar 's attempted save .
26 All through the night it continued , and all through the night thunder boomed and lightning ripped across the sky in jagged white flashes .
27 Piste care is relentlessly industrious , part moguled and part groomed so that all tastes are catered for .
28 As I started my walk , a storm broke and lightning lit the sky .
29 Katy asked but Mum shook her head and told Katy to stand very still while a man took photographs .
30 The Waaagh crossed Black Fire Pass by night as the skies thundered and lightning crashed about the peaks of the Black Mountains .
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