Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [prep] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 Putting data into a spreadsheet is simplicity itself , but remembering where that data came from is another matter .
2 In the Supreme Court 's ruling , the normally conservative Sandra Day O'Connor , the only female justice , voted with the liberal minority ; the decisive vote proved to be that of David Souter , Bush 's only appointee to the Court , whom abortion rights advocates had long suspected of harbouring anti-abortionist views .
3 The mining industry proved to be another technology-intensive industry of the type favoured by the IDA .
4 Though Shurton proved to be less than fertile ground for Pantisocracy , Henry Poole was quite happy to guide Coleridge and Southey to more promising territory near at hand .
5 Villages that experienced population losses tended to be those that had ‘ closed , disintegrating societies ’ , that is , those that had disharmonies in institutional life and where newcomers were regarded as ‘ foreigners ’ .
6 Coming on the heels of the Ashby Report , which had lacked conviction in Tutorials and had recommended that the reference to them in grant regulations be dropped , the Board 's decision seemed to be another blow to what had traditionally been regarded as the apex of WEA work .
7 The problem was that determination seemed to be all that she now had left , and it was n't a currency that was likely to get her any further .
8 The Examination Council came into being some erm nine months ago and has already been involved in quite a lot of activity , I mean particularly the erm problem of sixteen-plus examining , whether we should move from a system of erm O-levels and C S E , or to a combined system , Sixteen-plus Examination it would probably be called .
9 LENNIE LAWRENCE last night snapped up the youngster tipped to be another David Platt .
10 In fact Devon appeared to be some way behind other areas of the country in the 1960s and 1970s .
11 The fundamental question proved to be this : can the job creation and training schemes for West Belfast succeed in turning round the economic marginalisation and discrimination which the area has traditionally experienced ?
12 Traditionally , the tax system was constructed on the basis of a family with one ‘ breadwinner ’ and with the husband assumed to be that ‘ winner ’ .
13 The received wisdom about reform came to be that ‘ research shows that nothing works ’ , that ‘ whatever you do to offenders makes no difference ’ , although this was always an exaggeration .
14 The Spadeadam Rocket Establishment came into being some time after 1950 when the Cold War was at its height .
15 Or perhaps he was quite mistaken , and what his nature called for was both .
16 The Cripps-Day mourning hood , the only surviving ‘ late sixteenth-century ’ item of its kind , has in recent years proved to be little more than a nineteenth-century pastiche .
17 In fact the two-over-par score proved to be more than handy when compared to several of Greg 's challengers ' cards .
18 Even where local products could be bought , so superior were English goods presumed to be that place of origin marks on goods of colonial manufacture were often falsified .
19 To be worth two murders in eight days , Ascot had to be more than a mere gambling scam .
20 Although these biases can not be refuted , in reality the staff completing the schedules tended to be those dealing with residents on a day to day basis , rather than home owners and managers , who might have been more concerned with the implications the results may have had for their establishment .
21 In the 1760s the Lake District with its rugged and dramatic scenery began to be all the rage with artists of all sorts , and in their wake , as usual , the dilettanti rich followed limply behind , thinking there must be something in this search for the sublime through unadulterated nature .
22 This season threatened to be another one of disruptive distractions .
23 Mr Jarvis said the problem loans tended to be those to leaseholds and leisure-type outlets at the ‘ fashion ’ end of the business .
24 There were times when John le Grant wondered how Tobie managed to be such a very good doctor and yet fail to ask himself primary questions about Nicholas .
25 Then the differences proved to be less than the similarities , and the same is likely to emerge with care management , ’ he says .
26 Adeane 's function as private secretary appeared to be little more than the job of arranging the Prince 's schedule around polo and the children 's bath times .
27 The Constitution 's main concern appeared to be that of conservation .
28 After Leonora 's stitches were removed , painlessly , to her relief , Penry pronounced her well enough to help with his articles , since typing proved to be another of her accomplishments .
29 I think photographers had to be more craftsmen then than they do now .
30 The sign contains sufficient of the content of the thing signified to be more than a symbol .
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