Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [verb] it a " in BNC.

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1 Bready failed to make it an all North West final when they lost by four wickets to North Down , beaten Touche Ross Cup finalists earlier this month .
2 And the massive Independent Television outside broadcast unit ensemble helped to make it a busy day at Horsted Keynes with the Bluebell already geared up that day for the official launch of the Southern Q1 they have restored on behalf of the National Railway Museum .
3 But I did n't think they would put the band back together ; David had mentioned it a couple of times but I had n't really taken him that seriously .
4 The ‘ Roman style ’ was not , of course , created by the Council of Trent though the Council did give it a partial façade of quasi-homophonic simplicity .
5 When he thought about it , Nigel did find it a little odd that a photographer should return after he 'd finished a job .
6 He said the Vincennes ' aggressive attitude had got it a reputation as a ‘ robocruiser ’
7 ‘ The High Council had kept it a secret .
8 Then the front door bell rang and while Rupert went to answer it a somewhat uneasy conversation started up between the two women and Everard Bone about his wife 's flu and the likelihood or not of his catching it from her .
9 But there was nothing to be done ; Goibniu had made it a request that Floy and Snodgrass travel to the Fire Court leaving Fenella alone .
10 The next morning we walked up the glacier and did a lengthy rock scramble , the Trifthorn ( 3,728 metres ) , partly to acclimatise , and partly because Martin had tried it a few years earlier and failed to reach the top .
11 Fleming had called it a ferment , or enzyme , but that did not take matters very far , and gave no hint of what it might ferment , or of what substance it attacked in susceptible microbes .
12 Henry and Dolphin agreed to give it a whirl but Ali did n't want to be tied to a permanent set-up , which we understood , so we asked Bruce Foxton to join and he was desperate enough to accept ! ’
13 Phoebe decided to give it a go .
14 By 1990 the museum 's concentration on twentieth-century art had made it an anomaly in the collection and the decision was made to deaccession the picture , valued at $10 million .
15 Martina set to call it a day
16 The magazine was in trouble long before David Thomas and his young guns attempted to give it a lifesaving bypass .
17 His pen-and-ink drawings provided Minton with unrelieved amusement , as Lyttelton has recalled : Humphrey Lyttelton 's presence at Camberwell helped make it a centre for the beginnings of ‘ trad ’ , a jazz revival which replaced ‘ the polite and effete noise which had hitherto passed for genuine jazz ’ with a new vitality and energy .
18 John and Maureen decided to call it a day .
19 But their choices remained either in the storeroom or in the window because her father had made it a rule that the window was n't to be cleared until the day before Christmas Eve .
20 The world shortage and price rises had made it a rare delicacy for ordinary citizens , but David Laing liked to sip and swig constantly .
21 Gifford Tate had painted it a few weeks before she died .
22 Mandy Yachad and Mark Rushmere made half centuries and when both sides agreed to call it a day the Invitation XI had reached 129–1 .
23 But the experience had been short and isolated and the moonlight had given it a sufficient touch of unreality for me to be able to fire my machine gun at everything I saw without scruple .
24 It was eventually returned by Agnew 's because one Anna Cavina had pronounced it a copy ’ .
25 Harvey said making it a one-word question .
26 Patrick had made it a rule that he was never to be disturbed in the mornings , but that she might bring him urgent interruptions in the afternoon .
27 Turned out that some well-meaning wally had given it a tankful of unleaded two-star .
28 The autumn sunlight seemed to lend it a glow ; her eyes were larger , darker , the half-open lips full and sweet as honey .
29 For health reasons , 69-year-old decided to call it a day on March 19 after working for five years in the semi-moist processing section .
30 Jack now discovered that the Motion Picture Association of America had given it an ‘ X ’ rating and Columbia — who were to release the Movie for general distribution — had a policy at that time that they would never release an X-rated picture .
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